

Birds and Symbolisms
Recently we were driving some place or back home. On this drive we happened to see a few different birds. One day we saw 2 Bald Eagles and one another day we saw a bald eagle on the water waiting to catch its food. 2 Cranes, and some Geese.
I decided to look up what these birds symbolize. As I looked these birds up, I noticed a few things that related to our lives as Christians. What do these birds have in common you may ask, besides flying?
Well, you see they have a lot more in common than you think. They all relate you God in some way. For instance, the bald eagle represents knowledge, wisdom, honesty, and integrity. This then lead me to think of Kind David A Man After God’s Own Heart. He truly went back to God with a repentant heart. This makes me think of us as well going boldly to the thrown of God and taking ourselves before a Holy omnipotent God. We have such a loving, forgiving, merciful God who extends grace to us because we are each His Sons and daughters. It is only By Jesus’ sacrifice that we can have a relationship with Him. What a truly Awesome God we have to give up His son like He did to provide the once and forALL sacrifice for each and every one of us so we could have eternal life with Him.
God’s divinity, mightiness, strength, and power, He rules over ALL. Ultimately, God is in Control of everything, but He still gives us free choice. God closely observes us and knows all that we do, say, think, and our true intentions.
As I continued to read it stated that I chose to walk on the right path and I am on a fulfilling journey of mental and spiritual growth. As I write this I feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit confirming this. This will help me to remove blocks, obstacles, and distractions from my head and allow me to give a balance between both material and spiritual world. We are also under God’s divine protection.
Now the Crane symbolizes In the right place. These birds are rare. It also states that everything is fine and everything will be fine with my life. I show love and concern for our situation and I will become more conscious of the Spiritual world.
Vigilance- in being vigilant I need to heighten my spiritual senses. This brought to mind the scripture of the enemy walking around like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour, but God tells us to draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Resist the devil and He shall flee. When we call out to God and read His Word, the devil flees.
Honor and respect.
Wisdom, which comes from God.
New beginnings.
When we open our eyes to the deep wealth of knowledge on the inside of us, we will soon discover that we have deep Spiritual deposits on the inside. Our life experiences come to teach us deep spiritual wisdom. These situations can help us go through different phases in our lives.
We have enough knowledge to handle the situations of our lives because of our past experiences. This is because God has given us this wisdom and helped us. This will also help us to see potential danger or harm in our future and to take actions to avert harm.
Surrounded by loyal friends, soaring above every obstacle, become confident in my ability to overcome every negative situation in my life.
One needs to be orderly.
One will be courageous. Becoming a leader has a lot to do with courage.
We need to look to God for our courage and confidence, not the world.
With God we can eliminate every self-doubt in one’s heart and fill it with courage and confidence to become an effective and charismatic leader. Examples are Joshua and Jeremiah.
Public speaking- one needs to be courageous for this. God WILL fill you with courage.
Expect a positive change. Positive turnaround in one’s life. Expect good turnouts and opportunities in the next phase of one’s life.
I am to take my place like those who have gone before us.
(Look up and pay attention)
Team work
(Help one another) when we help one another, we get a lot more accomplished.
Protect one’s child or children.
These birds mate for life. They are devoted to their spouse for a lifetime. They are loyal to them. Seasonal rebirth. They let you know when the seasons are changing. One ends a new begins. When you become a child of God the old has passed away and you become a new creation.
Grace and beauty
Love and Fidelity mate for life.
Purity- the white is associated with purity and innocence.
Transformation- we all change. They change from awkward, gray juvenile form to their elegant, white adult form. We change from old selves to a beautiful creation that God changes us into.
Royalty. When we become a child of God we become a royal priesthood. We are a royal people.
In the Bible the swan is mentioned as a symbol of purity and innocence.
These birds are an inspiration for artists, writers, and others.
Swans a beautiful and graceful. Let us take a moment and appreciate these animals and the positive qualities they represent. As we are taking a moment to do this, let us also take some time to ponder on all the qualities that we are in Christ.
© A.S. Brockert