

The Confusion face
Hiii everyone this is not a story, it is One of my life's incident. I want to share with you guys...

The Confusion face

Hiii again... My name is Aparna I am 16 years old girl, I live with my Mom and Dad in a Apartment, We were living here since 10 years. It is in a Town near Kanyakumari. My Mom is always Caring and little Strict to me in a case of going out and Visiting new places. My dad is always Chill to me, Encouraging and Gives lots of freedom. My Dad is one of the partner of Sheshadri Estates group of Comapny which is very Successful business in near by towns. It's a best place for Business, Sellings and Buyings. The people are always Rushing that they don't even look at other people faces.

Its a Sunday Morning at 9'o clock I happened to go out for Milk packet, I am very happy that iam going out. I took money, wore slippers and started walking to Shop which is little longer from the Apartment. I have bicycle but I don't prefer it, because I love to walk on streets. I came away from the building and I am on my own way to shop. On the way I saw a Strange face. He is coming opposite to me, He lookes like 32 years old man. He is on some old dirty clothes. He is not glancing into anyone, Headed up to sky and walking fastly. He has a Confusion face. Iam sure he is in some sort of Confusion. I bought Milk packet from shop and returned to home.

After 2 days, I was brushing my teeth in my balcony as rushing to my school and I saw him, The same Strange face! Confusing face! but his dress is new very posh.Now I was in confusion that, how his dress has changed like this. I can see his face clearly as Iam on the building. Iam looking into him but he is thinking something else.

Then after few days, Me and my family went together to shopping as my birthday is Coming ! Yes My Birthday is On this Sunday and I have to buy a NewDress. We went to shopping and returning to home, Again I saw the face, But this time he was running and some people were Chasing him. I was in a Shock !

Then Next day (Friday) evening I was preparing for my test in my room which is on (Saturday) and I saw him from my Window, he is doing something strange in a street I wanted to see it immediately and I ran to there with out telling to mom. I reached there and he is running and some Old women is on fallenground.
I went and asked her ...

Me :- Grandma...What happened ? Why you fell on ground ? Why he is running ?

Old Women :- That Rascal Stolen my Gold chain. I tried to refuse but I couldn't.

Me :- OH SHIT ! REALLY, Come on let's go to Police station and file complaint on him.

Old Women :- Let's go, I won't leave that Rasacal.

We went to police station and gave a complaint on him. Then I went back to my home.

Mom :- Where did u went ?

Me :- No where mom just went to friends house.

Mom :- If you go again outside without telling me I will tear you into pieces.

OMG my mom gave me a Serious Warning. If she knows that I went to police station and given a complaint, she will Kill me.

The next day evening (Saturday) I written Exam well and coming back to home mean while i saw him again with bad clothes and with that same old confusion face. I stopped him

Me :- Hey you, Stop there...

Stranger :- What ?

Me :- You thief, Come on let's go to Police station.

Stranger :- Why ?

Me :- I know you, You are a thief with Confusion face.

Stranger :- No, Please don't take to me Police Station.

Me :- Then Answer my Questions

Stranger :- What ?

Me :- Why do you Steal things ? Why do you have all the Time this CONFUSING FACE ?

Stranger :- I am not thief, I don't have any job. No one giving me Job I am Uneducated. Due to hungryness I Steal things.

Me :- And Why do you have this Confusing face all the time ?

Starnger :- To me as a human being I don't like Stealing but because of this hungryness I need to do. After Stealing i want to return the thing to them On same manner I also want to sold it and Satisfy my hungryness. I WAS CONFUSED IN THESE BOTH THINGS, ALL THE TIME THAT'S THE REASON I HAVE A CONFUSING FACE.

Me :- Why your dress is changing from good clothes to bad and bad to good ?

Stranger :- I don't have home to keep things I sleep in bus station, When I slept somebody would come and steal from me.

Me :- Ohh...I am sorry. What is your name ?

Starnger :- Siddharth

Me :- OK....I will ask my dad to give you a job, would you like to do it. My father is a partner of a big company.

Siddharth :- Will you ask for me ! What a Kindness you have, No one here have it. Please ask your father i cant lead this life,

Me :- Dont worry i will manage to get you a job, But you have to work hard.

Stranger :- For sure I will do it my lord ! I can't live a life like this .

Me :- Ok, Come tomorrow morning at 9'o clock to Meghalaya Apartments and wait until I call you.

Siddharth :- Thank you Sweet heart, thank you so much.

His face was glowing with Happiness ....

SUNDAY ! It's My Birthday !

Mom :- Happy birthday Aparna !

Me :- Thank you mom.

I wokeup and freshen up, Wore a new dress.

Dad :- Happy Birthday my Dear Daughter !

Me :- Thank you dad...

Dad :- OK LittlePrincess. Now tell me What do you want as Gift ?

Me :- Nothing dad, You gave me everything. I don't want more.

Dad :- Common ask me baby, What do you want on this day ? Common ask me, whatever I will do it to you.

Me :- Nothing I want dad...

Meanwhile My mom went into kitchen and I got a chance to ask..

Dad :- No No No...U have to ask something, anything, Its your Birthday.

Me :- A LIFE !

Dad :- Life ! baby about what your talking ?

Me :- Dad I don't want anything, I am with what I have. But..

Dad :- Common, Tell me baby...

Me :- There is a one guy in ground floor... He doesn't have a job, he serving his life by stealing...U have to give a job to him. You have to give him a life dad.

My dad was literally in a Shock...after few seconds

Dad :- What are you talking baby ? How do you know that guy ?

I told everything what had happened and he Convinced...

Dad :- Wow...What a Kind heart you have baby. Come on let me see him

Me :- ok dad he is waiting at ground floor.

We both went down

Dad :- What's your name

Siddharth :- Siddharth sir

Dad :- Siddharth, My daughter got a beautiful wish on her birthday, Its a life. Siddharth I will give a job, will you work efficiently.

Siddharth :- Yes sir, I will work Sir. Just see me once Sir.

Dad :- OK you got job, Come to company from Monday onwards, You got a staff house there only.

Siddharth :- Thank you very much Sir. You got a Great daughter, God bless you my dear child. Your birthday gave me a Life , A new Life. Thank you very much...

AFTER THAT HIS CONFUSION FACE HAS GONE AND SMILE FACE CAME OUT. A BRIGHT HAPPIER FACE. And this Smile face is always with him, after two days I went to police station and return back the complaint which i filed on him...


This is the most Memorable Incident in my Life which I ever forget....
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