

tomorrow #2
While following the women and her son, I ask for her name and she says "Annabeth sooloo and this is my son Corey sooloo" and then Corey looked at me with a shy face and waves "he doesn't talk much" Annabeth says with a smile "one day he just stopped talking I have no idea why, but he's a really good kid" she said and I noticed her voice wasn't as raspy as earlier. after a 12 minute walk we made it to some gate with actual technology. "Where'd you guys get technology from i thought the horsemen took it all" Annabeth widened up her eyes and didn't answer. She then put in a code to access the gate and let us in first. "whats your name again sweetie" she asked " jay, Jay Humburt" I said twice to be dramatic. the people in this town were the most happy I've ever seen in 5 years. "Now you boys be good" Annabeth said while walking into a bar called the "Reptile restaurant". ''follow me" the boy whispered as we walked to a house that had a sign which read "reptile leader" in bolds "hey dude I thought you didn't talk" I said with a confused face "I do, just not in front of her" he said with a voice some how deeper than mine "i figured out something Noone else knows, how we have all of this technology, why after all of these years we haven't been harmed" he said " its bec-" he stopped talking right when the mom walked in the house and went in the kitchen "im baaaaaaaaaack boooooooooys" she sang.I noticed she didn't have the ratchet old dress she had on just a while ago "are you hungry, probably so look at you you adorable little thing let me cook for you guys" she said energetically " hey me and Corey are going outside for a few tell us when the food is done" I said wanting him to tell me what he knew so we walked down this strange and dark alley. "Okay so-" Corey said as he got interrupted by a light girl voice yelling "hey, what are you guys doing, in my alley?". "your alley" Corey questioned "yes this is my private alley, and kids come here with a price, so if you want to get out of here alive then pay me" she said in a controlling voice " i take candy, money, and toys" she explained " we have no candy and all of my money is at home" Corey said " ok than" she said as she aimed a slingshot at us " JAY RUN" Corey yelled as we ran down the long alley " GET BACK HERE YOU PUNKS" she said as she shot the slingshot at us continuously. "We made it out, thank God" I said with the little bit of breath I had "you guys actually escaped" the girl said "the names inaya palmer, i also go with palms and naya" she said. "wow she's beautiful" I thought and then said "my names Jay Humburt" I said "and mine is Corey sooloo" Corey said in a really chill voice. "hey guys come here, I have something to show you guys"

stay tuned for more tomorrow at Tuesday feb 16th at 6:00 for chapter 3: devious kids

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