

"As they say! You've never lived until you've pulled a light bulb out of someone's butt!"

Clara drunkenly called out holding her fourth gin and tonic. The OR nurse looked at the room and was confused when no one laughed. Then she heard it: "What's a lightbulb doing in a bum?"

She turned at the sound of the highpitched voice to see Cindy, a little girl, looking at her confused. Her parents in the room were wide eyed as they saw the trainwreck that was to unfold.

"Tell me Cindy, how old are you?" Clara asked, knowing she needed to save this.

"Five," Cindy replied.

"Oh yes, five, a good age," Clara sweated, "You see, you are smarter at five then some adults because you're right! There is no good reason to have a lightbulb in a bum."

"So why pull one out?" Cindy looked confused.

"Well, like I said," Clara took a drink of her gin and tonic, "Some people do things that make no sense, and weird things happen because if it."

"Like a lightbulb in a bum?" Cindy asked.

"Yes! Like that," Clara seemed more relieved than she had any right to be, "So I have meet someone at work who had a lightbulb in his bum, and, being a nurse, I had to take it out as it had no good reason to be there."

"Ok Clara..." Cindy's father finally chimmed in, "that is enough. Cindy go to bed."

"But how did the lightbulb..." Cindy started.

"Cindy!" the mother growled in support of the father, "Bed!"

"Ok..." Cindy sighed as she left the room.

"Well that was close!" Clara slured while pouring another gin and tonic, "Now, where was I?"

© Copyright of Shannon Frances Smith 2020