

Empty Nester
I never knew a day like this will come that my greatest fear will come into realization.
Sharon was leaving home and she would be on her own. My baby girl was now to leave home to pursue her goals.
I have read of books of women who became empty nesters and in Hiddleston street, three women had been diagnosed with this emotional struggle.
Was I to face it too?
Was I to taste the effects of this struggle?
I loved my baby girl very much and couldn't be delighted seeing her make her own decisions but then what would happen to her when she is let to fly off?
Will she be fine? Was she safe? Will she be cuddled up in her blanket or would she shiver in the cold?
I could not say and so I stared with disbelief.
She had pack her stuff and taken out the old toys and books she had begged me to read to her every night.
We organized a yard sale for her to give out her stuff. I donated some to the orphanage. She wasn't to use them anymore.
I knew I had to let go but why?
I questioned her choice even though she knew it was for her to go for a special school that required that she reach out to where the need was great.
I was anxious and scared about waking but to say goodbye!
I however had to cope. As I hugged her, tears rolled down my eyes and so I told her to call often.
She whispered in my ears"Mom, I am scared, will I be fine?"
I couldn't hold back this advice as I cuddled her longer"You'll do good!".
I watched as she drove off in her car,as the horizon catched my heart and as though it told me:
"Do not worry, she'll do fine".
~Catch more syndrome stories that touch hearts~
~Stay safe.