

One day I've found 3 newborn kittens in a store room at the market place where I run my nursery flower shop. One of them had already left the world while the other two sibling were quietly coiling next to his dead body.

I tried to feed them milk by cutting off some sponge; in a simple match shape, and soaked it with milk.

The kittens were sucking milk from that piece of sponge in responding.

My heart was so leaping, overwhelming with joy, happiness and hope for these two to be survived!

I decided to take both home and named them "Faith & Hope".

FAITH had grown quickly to be a big brother to his sister while HOPE is also turning to be a very beautiful young lady dressed in white with black polka dots...she is so adorable!

Interestingly Faith and Hope were just perfectly fit into the gang at home; same prints, tones and colors.

There was some mommy cat who has adopted and nursed both of them together with her babies right away!

When I said "fit", its more than just prints and colors but also the "looks and similarlities" that resembled my cats just like our very own clan.

Faith and Hope are the reflection of my soul and who I am.

Receiving mercy, being loved and adopted into FAMILY while I am not even know how lost and stray I was. God takes an initiation to loving, comforting, feeding, making sure I am provided and not being left behide. HE restores my soul and heals my heart. Growing every days with ups and downs but within His care.

I became to "know" my name and run to the Calling each time for I belong and matter to Him.

Faith and Hope belong and become our family members. They have been loving, growing and living good lives. Faith lived with us for two years and crossing the rainbow bridge ahead of us. Two years later; two months ago, HOPE was one of the several tens who left during the tragedy...to be reunited with her brothers and our gang who's been through that path and journey before.

Well my dearest Faith and Hope, I thank God for placing you into my life. We are not differrent brother and sister. I will be well with the legacy you have left behide... I will...so many bundle of joys are resembling you now >^^<

Rest in Peace and
I love you forever my dear friends ❤

© TK🐱2020