

FDST: Seraphina (Background)
Seraphina, a girl born in a modest house, aged of 8 years old, is a little girl that has almost nothing except herself, even tho she was very young, did not had anyone to help her in her daily chores...She was, not living, she was surviving, each and everyday was a fierce battle with the outside world and her home.

Compared to what people might think, she was very intelligent and more mature for her little age,her parents and her teacgers understood it too, she was the most hard working child of the class, she always managed to get the best score at the exams...

Seraphina has also a sister who is much older than her. Her sister compared to Seraphina was more...of a Trouble making person. In a way, Seraphina had all the bullet point to be exactely like her sister, but she always managed to never be like her, she always forced herself to give the best of herself, which worked, her parents barely noticed it, but she kept desperately tried to get their attention...in vain, she was so much getting good grades that it became for her parents found it normal, snd stopped praising her for her good grades, which in a way, created a emptiness inside her, and create an uncontrolable sensation of non-satisfaction, she effortlessly tried to get even better grade, but again it did not worked at all, no reaction from her parents, making that constant search of prooving to people, so that one day, maybe one day...someone could see her, could check on her...could...praise her

As she continiously failed to attract her parents attention, she dimply decided to let her died, little by little, in hope she could get their attention this time...She did got their attention but not the way she intended it, it made a bad one, they were sure that all of those things were some kind of jokes, till she really got transported to the hospital for anemia...that day she almost passed out for good...

In despair, she finally got her parent's attention, tho it was not that positive, but she got what she wanted...

Her parents were not the type of model role to follow to that little girl, that's why she started to save her familly by saving herself first, so she tried to get some money by finding a job...difficult to find one at that age...

So a few years when she was around 15 years old she tried to complete her studies at school, but most of the time...it kind of failed...Why you may ask? That's simple, the stress of being at that age, the new sensation, the new emotions, and peer pressure...she ended up being depressed, doing Burn out on burn out without getting that much help from her parents, she tried to continue to do what she could do the best, taking care of herself...

The sentimental life, wasn't great too, she only 2 to 3 boyfriends who she ended up by either dumping them or being abandonned by them cause she was too difficult or not giving what they were asking for (I'm sure you know what i'm talking about). So she slowly distanced herself and closed her heart to being loved and giving her trust

At her adult age, she decided that it was for the best if she leave the familly circle by cuting every contact with them with still the hope of being able to change them or at least, improve the situation...

By living alone, she was starting to find her internal peace, the peace she deserved to have a long time ago...She finished, or should i say dropped school midyear dur to burnout...She was wondering if she could succeed in her life...for herself? But deep down she also knew that it was also for finally getting that attention she was searching so much from her parents...so she tried to live how she could...

As time passed...she finally get that peace of mind she was searching for...at the age of 21, she got a stage, and got a place as a barista in highly decorated Restaurent, she worked there for almost 1 year and dropped it due to another mental breakdown...She was starting to doubt herself again and wanted to give up...but then remember that she fought all those years to arrive where she is today. She knew she could not just give up like that for a stupid reason...

1 year later, she was 22, she got somehow a place, in those building where they help you find a job...she did what she had to do, but did not found anything yet...still the same distant, like to be alone...but sometime forces herself to get a few interaction just to not get that crazy...

After 6 moths...She turned 23, still in that kind of help for young adults, but this time, something will change in her life, someone she never thought that would make her happy and secure again...appeared in front of the door of The classroom...


© Dodi060