

The Marriage Contract ❤
Kiara! Kiara! come on wake up, little princess wake up, its morning and a bright one too.

Mum! Good morning.. where is dad?
Am over here little princess, hope you slept well.. "Yeah I did dad. I dreamt about a lot of things. I met a prince and he rescued me from the bad guys, we married and lived happily ever after; Dad, when will I meet my prince? ".

Mr. Ron laughed alongside Mrs. Kate and said "of course my little princess very soon and you will both marry and live happily every after" They always wondered as Kiara their five year old girl had such a sense of humor.

They have been married for eight years and she being their first child brought many happy memories in their life. So they doted on her but made sure to discipline her when need be.

"Now come on its time let your mum ran you a bath and come down quickly for your breakfast" Kiara got down happily and runned all the way to the bathroom to bath. After breakfast she went to her playground behind the house.

As she was playing she saw a van moving to the house next to them. A girl of her age curious as she was stood watching as the new people unloaded their stuffs; and that's where she saw him.

A boy almost her age got down from the truck and looked around curiously, displeased could be seen all over his face. As he looked around he spotted her and the two just looked at each other. Kiara found the boy really interesting with those eyes which peered at her. He was dressed up in a jeans and a shirt with his baseball hat looking really cool looking like a prince

Kiara being a cheerful child spoke up"Hey there! am Kiara.. how old are you; you look handsome like a prince will u marry me? "

Dav just looked at the girl in front of him as if she was an alien. He just humph and turn away from her muttering to himself.

Kiara didn't understand why the boy ignored her but she didn't think about it she was only happy. Finally she has seen her prince and the will play together have fun and even marry together.

With this thought she runned inside shouting at the top of her voice calling out her daddy's name.

"Daddy! Daddy! guess what? We have new neighbors and their son really looks handsome. Can I marry him?Daddy he looks like a prince". All this while she was jumping up and down.

Mr. Ron didn't know what to do about his little princess. "Yeah;my girl of course you will marry him, we will go over to visit him so don't worry. Now go upstairs, wash up and come help your mummy cook dinner".

Kiara after getting that respond sped upstairs to wash up and came to help her mum. All that while talking non stop about her wedding plans.

In the other house a certain someone wasn't so happy about moving to a new place. Of course who would be happy to leave his friends and move to another place to start all over again. Dav held his small box containing his precious belongings as he stood in the doorway gazing at the interior of the house

Actually it isn't that bad, he could cope with it. "Dav! come upstairs and check up your new room." and that was his mum shouting upstairs. Ever since they planned to move his mum had been too happy and he couldn't even figure out what was so interesting about they moving.

He signed and move up the stairs to check up his room. Even though it wasn't that huge but it was good enough for him to feel at home.

"Dav dear, his mum said while giving him a hug... I know you are not so happy about moving to a new place but I promise you will love it here. The surroundings and everything. You can even make new friends...

Ah.. That reminds me who was the girl you were talking too. Your new friend? "

"Mum; come on how can she be my friend, I just met her and she is weird you know.

Its alright mum don't worry I will be fine. I can cope with a new environment I know it was in your best interest for us to move".

Grace Brown looked at her son and smiled. Ever since she lost her husband in that gruesome car crash, she had thought all hope was lost and that she didn't want to live anymore. But what will become of her son who was still yet to be fully grown.

She then decided that she had to be strong for herself and her son. With this she immersed herself in work and took care of her son single handed.

The decision to move to a new place was so as she could start a new beginning away from the past which use to hunt her. She hoped that with this new change, everything will be perfectly well. As for her son he always amazed her, he didn't act like his age.

A boy who was seven could take care of himself and her too even though he was small. Grace then realized her son is really destined to be a great person and she knew. His IQ was way higher than that of a seven years old.

She hugged him again and told him to wash up and get ready for dinner. With that she left him to look over his room.

After her mum closed his door Dav sighed and looked around ensuring everything was safe. He looked across his window and realized it looked over to the next house.

And that got him thinking about the girl he met in the morning and what she said. He found it amusing and didn't realize when he smiled.

He decided it was best not to let his mum know what the girl said.Because he knew she would tease him till forever. He chuckled and shook his head. Besides who acts that way, seeing someone for the first time and tell them to marry him or her.


Next morning being a school day, Kiara woke up very early... Besides what could be more refreshing than meeting your friends in school and lessons to be learnt.

After getting ready for school she run out for her breakfast, took her lunch box and waved at her dad giving him a goodbye kiss.

She walked up with her mum to wait for the school bus. As she waited she took out her book to read. She was so immersed in her book that she didn't hear the hurried footsteps that stopped near her.

She raised her head when someone greeted her mum. Guess what? It was her Prince. She peered at him with those puppy eyes of hers

Good morning mam. Am Grace Brown I just moved into the neighborhood and this is my son Dav.
Dav waved at her and greeted "Good morning Aunty"

"Morning my dear hope you are fine?.
Well you can also call me Kate.. Wait! you are the new neighbors?. Nice to meet you my daughter has told me a whole about you guys". This is my daughter Kiara...

"Hey! there baby girl hope u are fine?".
Yeah Auntie am also fine... I met you earlier when you spoke to my son.

"Oh really?" You mean my prince?. Its really sad that he doesn't want to marry me.

Kiara said while having a pained expression on her face. The two mothers burst out in laughter and Dav shifted precisely feeling uncomfortable. How could a child be so cute.

As the mothers have now met they chatted away while the two children peered at each other.Kiara poking Dav every now and then. When the bus arrived the mothers sent their children off with Dav's mum reminding him to look after himself and Kiara.....

As they entered, the girls threw glances at him every now and then but he didn't pay attention to them. Kiara who was clinging to him led him to the back seat and they sat together. With Kiara talking nonstop about this and that.

Dav as usual was patient and listened to her. Not long after he felt an heaviness by his side, the girl had slept.... He shifted her to a more comfortable position and she snuggled closer to him.

Dav looked at the girl sleeping beside him and couldn't help studying her face which looked like that of an angel. He shook his head to clear away that thought.

He woke her up when they got to school where they parted up each of them going to class. He watched as she run off to her class. Kiara didn't forget to bade him goodbye before entering her class.

Dav waved at her and went off to his class. During lunch as he sat alone eating at the cafeteria,he scanned to see if he would find Kiara. Of course he didn't and he wondered where she was.

"Give me your lunch or I will push you on the floor"..
"No! Leave me alone! I won't give you anything "

Kiara was also having a hard time with these two bullies who always took her lunch. But today she wasn't prepared to give her lunch to them. It was her favorite dish and her dad made it for her.She clutched the lunch box hardly without the intention of letting go.

One of the bullies took hold of the box trying to pull it away from her grip and Kiara held on not wanting to let's go. During the struggle they tripped her and she fell.

Hey! Get away from her. When the bullies saw someone walking towards them they run off. Kiara heard footsteps approaching and only raised her heard up when they stopped near her.

Dav looked at the tear stained face of the girl and bent down to help her up. He questioned her but all she did was sniff trying to stop her cries.

He didn't know how to comfort her so he took a chocolate from his pockets and gave it to her telling her to stop crying. Kiara took the chocolate and eat it readily only looking up with puppy eyes to ask for more.

Dav had no choice but to give her another one making a mental note to bring more next time so that she doesn't short him of his chocolates.

After school they both walked up to wait in the park for their parents. Kiara as usual kept on poking Dav.
"Can we be friends?... Kiara asked while looking up at Dav... Of course he couldn't reject her with those eyes peering at him. He agreed besides the girl was so innocent, he wanted to protect her...

"Friends share everything together right?.. Kiara asked him again.
Yeah they do...
Since you are my friend then you will share your chocolate with me everyday won't you? "

The mouth of Dav twitched.... wondering if the girl wanted to be friends with him only because of his chocolates. The reminder to get more chocolates available became strong.

"Of course I will share my chocolates with you everyday.. as he said he couldn't help but pinch Kiara's chin playfully."He only showed such playful side of his only when he was with her but for others they only saw his cold expression.

After getting home, Kiara changed and went out hurriedly to Dav's house to play. Becoming the daily routine foe these lovely children.

As for those bullies they stopped harassing Kiara.
Of course they would not after what Dav did to them. They didn't dream of coming close to her.