

Why Trigonometry?
Do we actually need all the stuff we learn in school in real life? What is the point of learning all these? Is it really useful? In my opinion before teaching the students about a particular topic we should teach them why we learn them. Is this really a serious issue to be discussed? Well, yes.

Recentl, we are familiar with a lot of people blaming trigonometry and all the related stuff saying that they are not useful in real life. Are they really useless? Just because we don’t use it everyday it doesn’t mean that they are not useful at all.

For example, let’s start with the trigonometry itself. It is an important concept in mathematics which have endless uses in physics. Like in architecture, astronomy, computer graphics, navigation, even it has uses in medical field like in CT scans and MRI. There is a lot of fields which are incomplete with it. For instance, if we don’t need glasses, it doesn’t mean that it is completely useless. There are a lot of people out there who need it every moment of their life

Another question people ask is that why should someone who doesn’t need mathematics or doesn’t need these trigonometry in their life need to learn them. The answer is simple it is called basic education. Getting marks for examination is not what we call basic education. It’s something that help us to understand the reality and it is in fact an important thing that differentiate us from animals. It is true sometimes the education system focuses more on marks rather than focusing on their knowledge. You have the right to question the education system because everyone has their own perspectives about such things. But just because a person doesn’t like education system it doesn’t make the education bad. For example, you go to a restaurant and order your favourite food. But you got it bad or spoiled. You will question the respective authorities about the food and you of course not blame the food for being like this. That’s what really happening right now.

Talking about basic education, the question is why do we need them? A lot of people have asked me why should we learn complicated stuff at school and they say simple addition and multiplication is only needed in real life. Let me give you another example. Imagine your closed one, had to go to a hospital due to some health problems. You are the only one accompanied him and doctor asked you about doing a particular surgery since he needs your permission to do it. If you don’t have any knowledge about any medical term, will you be able to answer his questions. Of course the doctor will tell you about the procedures but the more you are not knowledgeable about the stuff the more time it is going to take.

Education is like eyes. You won’t realise its greatness until you are deprived of it. A lot of children have no access to go to school and they are craving for knowledge. There is a huge difference between getting marks for exam and being knowledgeable.

Yet another thing people say is that great personalities in this world are either a backbencher or a school drop out. But that doesn’t make them less knowledgeable. Being a school drop out doesn’t mean that they have stopped learning. At some point of their life they learned so deeply to get where they are now. They learned, they researched and again learned to get where they are now.

Do not relate earning money to acquiring knowledge. They are completely different things. You can be rich even without proper education. I am not stating that everyone should force themselves into learning trigonometry. Everything is not same for everyone. Just do your best and understand that there are things like this around the world which are really useful. The main two points that I wanted to communicate through this writing is firstly, the uses of education because many a times people tends to not understand it truly. Secondly, acquiring knowledge which might be maths, physics, chemistry or it can even be acting or music. We humans are learning in every moment of our life one way or other. So understand your potential. Don’t be worried to be what you like just because others prohibit you to do your likings.

© Aryananda