

My parent and I lived peacefully within a couple of years until one-day at my birthday party, I decided to go out with them and have some fun.
Although we had fun; video ourselves, move around and explore new things as my dad drove us off in his own car.
Suddenly, we heard a voice, a very thunderous voice commanding us to stop the car.
My dad looked at both his wife (my mum) and his daughter. He then said; " sweet hearts, closed your eyes and endure all these with me", as we nodded our head and closed our eyes tightly; my dad drove off swiftly without even saying anything.

"Bahm-bam-bam", we heard the footsteps of a very young man who was chasing us.
Immediately, he threw a very hard substance which break off the wind shield or screen of the car, making my dad to hide beneath it
My mom was scared but a young girl of my age decided to look at the action that was being taken place.
Finally, a group of gangs with vallains and treacherous face assembled themselves around the car silently and swiftly.

The first person that threw a hard substance at the wind shield or screen of the car opened the car door and took my father out punching him at all sides of his face as blood oozed continuously out of my father's nose.

The villain then said; "All your properties have been confisticated by me, "the most powerful of all lord's" and now you are going to die a mysterious death in front of your family".
Immediately when he said that, my mum came out of the car and started begging them to spare her husband live but they insisted.

One of the villains standing there along with the other groups then said, "Lord, since the wife is beautiful, why don't we give her the last taste of her life?"

© Esther osei