

Pax, Chapter 3
Jacelynn and I claimed our rooms and unpacked while Ethan ordered pizza, Tyler picked out a movie too watch, and Mark decided too vlog.

"Hey everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome back too another video vlog thing. As you can tell I'm not at home, I am in fact at my friend Avery's apartment. You may've seen her during Pax, maybe not, I don't know. She just moved here too L.A, so Tyler, Ethan, and I decided too stay with her and her little sister Jacelynn until they get settled since they just got out of a tough situation." Mark introduced the video.

I was going through cabinets seeing what food and what dishes could go where. The fridge was huge.

"I'm using this big ass fridge too my advantage." I giggled behind Mark. "I may just never leave." Mark joked.

After a few minutes the pizza came so Mark stopped vlogging. Tyler finally settled on a movie, and we all sat down, ate, and watched the movie. After the movie, we all decided too go too bed.


"Wake up!" Ethan groaned, dragging the 'u'. "I'm up." I tiredly groaned. "Barely." Ethan said.

Everyone was already up. I checked my phone. There was multiple texts from mom and dad.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath. "Something wrong?" Mark asked.

Tyler was ordering pancakes from IHop since we didn't have any way too cook yet.

"No, I'll be right back." I lied.

I ran too the bathroom and opened the texts.

Mom: Where the hell are you, you son of a bitch!

Mom: We'll come find you if you don't give yourself up!

Mom: Get back here, you whore.

Dad: Where are you! Come home right now or we'll come find you.

Dad: You're gonna regret this.

Dad: Come out from your hiding spots or I'll fucking kill you.

I was having a full panic attack on the floor in the bathroom.


"Ave, you okay in there?" Ethan asked, concerned.

It had been 15 minutes since I came in and I still hadn't come out.

"Ave, please answer me." Ethan said.

After a few minutes of silence, Ethan carefully opened the door and peeked in.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Ethan asked.

I never heard his voice so calm before. He quietly shut and locked the door behind him and kneeled down next too me.

"Hey, shh, calm down. It's okay. You're gonna be okay, I'm right here." Ethan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

I cried so hard I couldn't breathe.


Tyler looked through my phone in disbelief. Jacelynn and I were terrified, but Ethan kept us by his side and reassured us everything would be alright.

"What do we do?" Tyler asked. "We don't leave this apartment. We stay until they find us, and when they do we call the cops." Mark said. "With that work?" I said softly, afraid I was gonna have another panic attack. "I hope." Mark said.

I squeezed Ethan's hand. I trusted Marks word. He knows what he's doing, right? Right?
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