

Struggle of life .
A friendly nature girl is fighting for a single breath. Two years before one girl walking and dancing on street. She was so happy because she had helped two little children the children didn't have clothes to wear and sleepers. She is a good guitar player and sing well .When she noticed the children she decided to help them. She had taken her guitar and started singing people stoped to listen her melody voice.She don't even know that for listen her voice this much crowd around her and requested every one to give money and tell them why. She love to grow plants she had her own balcony garden. When she wake up she first go and water them then meditation,yoga , and exercise .Then she take bath . Then she go out door for helping people. She like astronomy and like to see celestial bodies and one of the most like to see ursa major. One day when she was reading a novel see noticed the blood drop on her book when she checked the nose there was blood. Her parents had called doctor when the reports come she was founded she had cancer.
Doctor called her mother and father in his cabin she was hiden and listened all thing. But she was not unhappy she started marking time table and prepared for all days left. Then she had kimo therapy. After few days day she noticed that her hairs were falling by every single day. She had opened a YouTube channel wear she make video on every and each thing she know in her first video she said only see my video only if you believe in heart beauty not appearance and looking good not for giving me sympathy. Now my colonies children afraid from me. She was not unhappy.Next day when she wake up and checked her profile and seen she lakh follower were there. Next day she was not feeling well she was referred to hospital. In hospital many of her follower had come to see her and her last words were "Don't judge the person by his or her appearance person is know for his work and good heart " help every one.
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