

Why Do I Help People?

I give and I give and I give. And for what? Despite the diminishing payoff for helping others, psychologists say it's a selfish act, even one of wanting to become a victim...?
They say I help others because I get something from it, otherwise I wouldn't.
How about helping a fellow human being in need just because he needs it? When I'm walking down the street and see a kid drowning in the city's public pool without a lifeguard on duty or anyone else around, I wouldn't stop to think what I'd gain from saving the kid before running to help. My body would go into fight-or-flight mode, where logical thinking goes out the window. Only after attending to rescue the child would I begin to think of the aftermath.
In such a situation, I'd have nothing to gain. Getting away from the child would be my only option if I saved him. I fear nothing more than to be poked and prodded by local journalists then see it on the local news. Even worse, if the child wasn’t so lucky, I’d have to get away to avoid any suspicion of me having something to do with it. Not to mention, the emotional pain of not being able to save the child in time.
We don’t necessarily do things as humans to gain something. Sure, in most cases, this is true, but not all the time.
I help others because no one else will. Because God cursed me with the affliction of empathy. Because I’ve enlightened myself to the point of seeing things from other perspectives. Because I’ve been blessed with the resources and means to help them. But does all of this make it my responsibility to help them?
No, it doesn’t.
Do I do it because it makes me feel good or needed?
Not anymore.
So why then? Why do I continue to help others who either can’t return it or consciously choose to exploit my kindness?
Because I want to be a martyr?
No. Fuck martyrs. Besides, no one chooses to become a martyr; it’s the people after the sacrifice is made. If Jesus knew he was going to be seen as the Son of God after his crucifixion, does that make him a martyr or a grandiose narcissist? Either way, it doesn’t save anyone from the consequences of their actions.
Save me the collected beliefs rooted in bullshit. But in the end, that’s all we have.
We enter this world with nothing and leave only with the bullshit we collected, believing it was of importance, where it is to be judged accordingly. But if said bullshit is ultimately judged, what are they based on? Surely, not the subjective morals deemed popular by the ignorant masses of society. If so, which society, and at what point in history, since at one point it used to be custom to sacrifice your firstborn child? Am I going to be judged for thinking such things, even if several people believe it to be blasphemy?
That’s a joke. A joke played on me, I guess.
So, why do I help other people, knowing there is no return, as well as the likely possibility of my so-called “charity” becoming exploited?
I guess because I have nothing better to do…