

Autumn, love
School was finally over and the weather was just how you like it. I knew you’d be happy about, so that you can finally where your flannel and hat. Hear the leaves crunch beneath your feet, you’ve always loved that sound. I can still hear the sound of your vans stepping on yellows and browns in our small home town. So school got off and I couldn’t wait to see you, my mom picks me up in her little red pickup truck. I get home and set my backpack in the chair, grab a snack, and wait for your text. Your name pops up, “I’m home”. So I tell my mom I’m ready to go and she drops me off on the corner of your block. I love your house.
Its the kind I’ve always pointed out while driving by when I was little. It’s Victorian and big, with red paint and orangish trim. With a big front porch. I open the car door and say goodbye. I text you I’m here. You come outside. You’re in a flannel, couldn’t have guessed. I say, “heyy, you get to wear your flannels now!, it’s your favorite weather”. You smile big and look down and we head down the side walk towards the cemetery grounds because you like walking through there too. Not many people, especially our age do. They think it’s weird but who cares. We go for the peace of it, the crunchy walk of crisp leaves on our way there, the steam that runs through where we walk barefoot in the summer, we go for the quietness and the woods that sit nearby. We talk about everything nobody else talks about, it’s everything I want to talk about. I love our conservations, always have. Always will. We walk through the graves, I kick some acorns.
Now we don’t talk, you’re gone, I’m still here. You’re still my favorite person to hangout with, to talk too. it’s been so long since it’s been just us. About one year and three months. You weren’t planning on going to college, I said you should because your so smart. You wanted to work outside at a park, make trails for the campers, take care of the forest.
I loved that, that’s what I wanted to do too. You told me maybe I could come down and visit you once you leave.
Now you’re in college with her. An engineer you’ll be, you’re so smart and I’m so proud. Swimming now for a college team, when I met you
you were shy, unsure of yourself, awkward, and quiet.
I guess, what I’m trying to say is that the whole time the reason I felt so good when I was with you was because you were good for me. We matched. The reason I felt so happy and connected with you is because you understood me and I understood you. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you.
I’m sorry I didn’t know, that I didn’t realize what that was sooner.
but you seem happier with her.
So I hope it works out, I just want you to be happy.
Our memories are still my favorite.
~Ava Stevens