

shoes for me
Shoes for me, shoes for you, shoes for everyone and here we go. Wow, lets be so dominating and chanting in our own voes. Matching your glow and honouring your soul, what else could it be than having it all. We often forget our own little world in the sinner shiny sparkle glitter land of others. That's right! Your own path could be so good and right one that you want others to follow it just like you follow their's. Just to overlap the myth of friendship you try to fit in their place and enjoy what they have. This race never ends! And you never know how quickly you belong the downstairs level or even beneath it according to them. Their judgement is so simple as they know you somehow just mitigate. Think! you just immitate to belong there. But your shoes are the one they have never ever walked in. So why do you let them consider in your bay of happiness. Bit confused, yes! Wonder how peaceful it would be if you know the real faces are actually right ones. The sour expressions are immortal. People understand what you actually have been through and they are with you just because your are strong one. This world isn't a strange place when others stop wearing masks. The care is natural so do their words of expression. We just have to be honest. The truth guides to right path, right people and to right things at the right moment. Just let it be. Understand the fact what you are made of. Are you an opportunist or determinist? Can you distinguish between right or wrong? Or can you even align yourself with the accurate company? Before rage took your peace. Enjoy the choices around you. You sure enough have potential and dedication towards your life! The better one! Go ahead, and be the hybrid personality of this long corridor of ordinary ones. All the questions will turn into explanations and each and everything will be crystal clear for you. Follow your journey all by your heart. You will surely get a sigh of relief at the end.
© msaminafy