

Except It Expresses Itself
Life is not measured by rankings and heights, it is all about molding and understanding what experience brings before your comprehension: what experience do you have and to what extent does your experiences in both description and acquaintance influence you?

Your personal experience in life is your entire unit of composure and measurement in defining possible positions and attainments within the auctioning proceedings of human endavours and completeness for a prosperous outcome.

The power of knowing is in seeking and searching in that once it becomes imperative that our entire existence dwells in it, it will surely lead us to the realities of our dreams.

It is hoped that all things express their true forms to further reveal their potentials because the things that have artificial nature owes their true images to falsehood in time and space and in continuance relief their essence naturally.

The overall composure of human metabolism is ensued in insaneness and our control of it, is what differentiates us from being conscious nor unconscious in so far it also goes a long way to describe our maturity and immaturity.

The transformation of those who allow natural cause to take delight in them tend to reveal their existence like the unseen breeze that expresses its real nature without description and forms but exposes nature's culture.

It is natural for human to act and react to things because it is the sure way to express existential qualities in the way responses are given to situations and how it defines the picture of what is used to ascertain our individuality.

Our insane nature as humans is very natural and has an integral influence in us as every being is envious of something that they wish to have and it's inbuilt effect on us creates unconscious depression and dissatisfaction.

Every human being and animals inclusive can judge and tell from what is wrong or right through seconds and minutes before occurrence to put themselves in suitable situations following their guided actions.

Frankly, this takes shape and from in what the action taken describes and to what extent it could be applied to others and the resultant effects it renders from the inferences of the givers to the receivers of such apparent applied actions.

Some certain knowledge comes to us whenever we involve ourselves with the things that have irrelevant inscriptions and how it will be reflected in us if applied to us and therefore release the fear of pain because we know the strives and wouldn't want same impression on us.

With all of these experiences upon effect, hopefully builds our real and original backgrounds of maintaining a patterned relationship with our environment in hoping and sourcing through daily manifestations for healing or for contradiction.

As we owe our esteemed existence to finding out about ourselves and the naked natural environment around us, it puts us in the plane of getting to a place of knowledge, remembrance and understanding the coexisting variables of what existence postulates.

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© Ernest Oworodo