

Letter To A Long Distance Friend
Higher Self

I hope this letter finds you in a place of peace and wisdom. It feels strange yet comforting to write to you, knowing that you are a part of me, residing in a higher realm of consciousness. I often think about the journey we are on, the lessons we are learning, and the growth we are experiencing together.

Life has been a blend of challenges and triumphs lately. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty and complexity of it all. During these moments, I find myself yearning for your guidance and reassurance. I know you possess a broader perspective, and your insight is something I deeply value.

I've been reflecting on our shared purpose and the path that lies ahead. There are times when I struggle to understand the deeper meaning behind certain events. I trust that you see the bigger picture and that everything unfolds as it should. Please continue to send me signs and gentle nudges to keep me aligned with our true purpose.

I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering support and love. Your presence brings me a sense of calm and clarity, reminding me that I am never truly alone. Even though we are separated by dimensions, our connection remains strong and unbreakable.

As I navigate through life, I will strive to listen to your whispers of wisdom and embrace the lessons with an open heart. Thank you for being my guiding light and for helping me become the best version of myself.

With love and reverence,
#letter #higherself
© Haniya kaur