

DoH | Dexas And The Atlantean Adventure| Scene -13 - The Abandoned City
In the mean time. Robert got tired of walking through the passage. He was thinking that, he had lost his friend , maybe forever. What would he explain to Aunt Emma? He was though ready to accept any punishment and even, for being executed.
He had no hope. Fate had wasted away the beautiful moments of the two friends rather, the Brothers.

Walking forth ,suddenly he felt that the range of  the light became fainter, that means the light was about to be blown off. He began to ran forward. Alas! He even had forgotten that the oxygen level was very low at that depth. Soon, the light was blown off and his senses became fainter that he could not stand anymore, his body was no more supporting him, he fell down in the ground and the stick also  grounded heavily with a sound of metal and then everything was black and dark.

He hadn't lost his senses. With his few more left energy and his will power, he crawled forward. All this was due to the insufficient food and water supply,  he hadn't eaten anything since reaching this place. Even the dry foods were in Robert's bag but ,in fact ,Jorge was carrying that bag during the journey. And Jorge's bag was left in the submarine. What about Indy? "I think, his battery is dead", he consoled himself.

"Not even a way is left" he said hopelessly "Mom, dad, uncle ,aunty, Jorge and Dr. Gilliam, I am very sorry... fairwell t....ta"

Suddenly,a small ray of light reached his hopeless eyes from his very front. Now he had regained his last hope, pushed his body forward without even thinking of any darger, towards the origin of the ray.

As he pushed forward slowly, he felt the ground was wetly and  Swampy.

Finally he reached there and saw the magic.
He couldnot believe his eyes. This looked really a
city but now converted into ruins.

"This is really the Atlantis ?"

He could now understand that this huge flow of Light was the reflected rays or the beams of light from the Ocean.

The land rather was protected by  a clear crystal like substance.  However. Small  drops of water was falling on the surface at  many places making it swampy or drenched.

Robert was  though thirsty, he Could not resist the drop wise inflow of water, he pushed himself drink water.

Now he stared at the sig site a bit. Ruins and ruins everywhere. Some faded broken pillars  wrapped with sea algae, but still happily stood there. Some artifacts representing the Greek Culture were ruined but still looked like that they were greeting him, with no tension in their minds, as they knew that this place was hidden beyond actual eyes.

Everything was like algaeish green and in military green gradients. Robert understood it was due to the crystal like covering around the place.

But why did humans not find and dig this place ? Now he assumed there that there must be a brief cover of algae and aquatic plants around the crystal  like shielding substance around the place.

Robert, after a heavy try stood up and glanced the view. Bridges, walls, pillars, all were there but ruined and covered with algae. As he stepped forward , his feet slipped off and he fell on the land unexpectably and then everything was blacked out.
© Sahitya Mukherjee......✒️
#Mystery #Adventure #Sci-Fi #Novel #Friendship #DiaryOfHonors #Story #Sahitya