

MEMORYTHM (The imperial ball)(part 3)
Reaching an empty page. I ensured no prying eyes were near and and took out my quill, ink began dancing on the papers as I poured my thoughts into the worn out paper.

Imperial year 437,

I am 16 today, I am excited to go to the imperial ball, It's time I could finally debut, wearing a beautiful gown and dance in the imperial palace, I thought this as I again stepped on Ryk's foot .

"Miss Whitlock, you should focus on dancing rather than what is happening in your dream land "! " Do it again !!. Madam Willson snarled at me .

"*Sigh* I'm never gonna make it"! , " don't worry I will lead you "! Ry said with a smug smile on face .
" Oh god , do you know how much I want to slap that face straight up , so he can stop smiling "! I thought
" You know, you should stop saying things in your mind out loud , and by the way I heard you "! Ry whispered in my ear , which caused me to step on his foot a bit hard "accidentally" I mean don't blame me, I couldn't see his foot , he was too close .

"Finally" I scream on top of my lungs as Hana and others help me get into my dress , I was finally going to the Imperial ball .

Boarding, on the carriage with my father and brother, we started our journey to the palace , it was wonderful seeing the bustling crowd in the capital city , there was no night market in Whitlock county .

We reached the main gate of the Emerald palace, I could see nobles and people
from other kingdoms walking towards the ball room in extravagant clothing and jewellery.

"She is so beautiful"! I whispered to Ryker who just told me to shut up , as His majesty ,the Emperor and Her majesty, the Empress came down with their two sons , His Highnesses, the crown Prince , Carl Agilofings and the second prince , Rowen Agilofings.

I sat at a corner bored out of my mind , that I was about to lose my shit , that when I heard some juicy rumours .
You see ball rooms and tea parties are the best place for information .
" Oh ,my countess, have you heard about Lady Charlotte "!
"No, my tell me "!
"Well , you see lady Charlotte was spotted with mr.Harrington at the garden terrace "
"The horse face Harrington "!
"Absolutely, I heard lady Charlotte was agreeing to be his partner in the ball"!
"My , isn't she married!! And also with him , I do perhaps think her husband is much more appealing to the eyes "!
"Well , have you heard , that Marquis Whitlock is supporting the second prince's faction "!
"Isn't he the head of imperial guards , why would he not support the crown Prince "!

There was where I was intrigued, I haven't heard about anything about the next Emperor, but I didn't think my father's name would come out in the topic , but it was much better .

" Well , it is totally agreeable, cause the second prince is pure blood royal , the first prince is illegitimate "
" True , it is totally outrageous that half -blood was chosen to be crown Prince , His majesty should have thought about the Empress "!
" Making a child born out of wed lock , the next Emperor what has the world come to "!
"Well,also isn't Marquis Whitlock good friends with Stein's , the current Empress house."!

That conversation plunged me into a labyrinth of thoughts " if the father supported the second prince wouldn't it raise the problem with the commoners faction ,plus in Whitlock most of support comes from the commoners rather than aristocrats and the outcome is much more lean towards the side of the first prince , so supporting the second prince is a bad decision "!
As I was lost in my thoughts , my brother called causing me to get out of trance, " What you think so hard , with that little brain "! My brother teased me , " for the hundredth time my brain is not little"!
"Well , you don't have to worry about anything, father and I will solve any problems that will arise , you just have to be our princess and enjoy your life "! My brother told me as we walked to the carriage. Stopping me from thinking any further

I was happy cause no one knows what fate has in hands for you , but if I did , would I still smile like that ?.

© iz~k