

Bully? What's the Point?
I would be addressing SOCIAL MEDIA BULLYING. It’s disheartening when you try to achieve or be the best version of yourself, but it seems futile, thanks to a group of strangers who build a camp around your case. If indeed, this has touched you, imagine how much bullying a stranger can cause harm.

When we speak on bullying, the first thought that processes in our minds before we opine our thoughts is, bullying mostly happens in the physical realm. This type of thought can make us excuse the other aspects of bullying. It can even cause a lack of consideration to victims of other aspects of bullying. We hear things like, if it didn’t happen in this light, it’s not bullying. You should man-up.

This type of mindset pushes bullies to wax strong and bold to torment their fellow human. They claim it’s a free world and freedom of expression is in vogue. They mustn’t be quiet when they do not like one or two...