


Waking up to the sound of seagulls and waves crashing onto the rocky sandy, he looked up and could see the clouds forming in a distance signifying a storm. He sat up and stared straight ahead at the ocean as he watched the waves build up from the current on the seabed. The air was so cool and fresh his entire body felt like it was absorbing every molecule that blew past. He took in a few deep breaths then opened his mouth to take in more but when he closed his mouth he tasted wine. Moving his tongue around his mouth he tasted more of it, "Red Wine!" he uttered to himself. "That damned juice of the grape vine", he said whilst chuckling to himself. He sighed heavily and memories of the night before flashed back instantly. "Damn! That was a night for the notebooks", he put his hands on his lap and watched as they both shook.

There was a brief moment of silence as he went through every scenario again in his mind. It was after the birthday song and the shots that he started to feel himself go blind. "But how did I get here? What happened to everybody and who drank my beer?". He searched through his pockets for clues and found his phone, house keys and wallet with all his money in it. That brought him much joy and relief to know that he didn't get caught up in funny business. There was an empty wine bottle just a few steps from where he woke up, a box of cigarettes and a lighter so he decided to smoke up. Pulling out and sparking up one he took a big drag that filled up his lungs and stung his air sac. As he exhaled he was caught of guard and almost lost his balance from a massive head rush. "Woah! Looks like that train hasn't left town yet, I am definitely still drunk from last night. Well it's my birthday today so I guess everything is going quite right."

He took a few more short drags before he put out the cigarette in the sand and walked to the stairs that led to the road lighter still in hand. As he walked he could hear his stomach rumbling so he decided to get something to eat. Pulling out his phone from his pocket he checked the time, it was 8:08am. "Breakfast! Yea boy!" He happily shouted as he hurried on in joy. There was a local diner that he always went for breakfast after a long night out, but this one was special because he partied until he was all lights out. He walked through the doors and headed to the bathrooms to relieve his almost exploding bladder. Closing the toilet door behind him he looked straight into the mirror in front of him and saw how he looked. Though the truth was written all over his face he brushed it off and headed to the stall.

After putting the toilet seat down and flushing the toilet he headed to the sinks. He washed his hands and splashed water on his face, dried up and then walked over to the mirror. Looking into the mirror now he took better look at himself. He was a young man of average height and built with light brown skin, black locks of hair, a full beard, beautiful teeth, small eyes, bushy eyebrows and eyelashes. He saw a mix of both his mother and father but his style of dress was definitely his father's. He wore a grey sweater with a grey t-shirt underneath, a pair of black jeans and black and grey sneakers. "Not too bad for a rough night, not too bad at all. Even though the years keep rolling by I'm still not bald and old". He smiled at himself and walked away from the mirror out the toilet and back into the diner.

As he walked back in this time he heard someone shout from the corner of the room. "HEY BRO!", a man stood up and called out to him "Come and join us!". He walked over not sure who it was but with a deep feeling of familiarity with the man. "Hey bro! Good to see you again after a few hours" the man said jokingly as he reached out his hand to greet him. They shook hands and exchanged greetings before the man turned to his friend and asked him, "Do you remember him?". "Not quite but he looks familiar", the other man replied "Do you remember us?" they asked. "Now that you ask I'll honestly say I don't quite remember much about last night. I'm still coming around on the details and events" he replied smiling. They all broke out into laughter as they somehow shared a joke unspoken but only known to them.

"Well, we met you at the bar last night and it was your birthday so we had some drinks with you and your friends and pretty much everyone else. Please tell me you at least recall that?" ,the man asked. "I remember drinking trust me that I'm very much aware of, it's just who I drank with that I don't quite recall", he said laughing. They shared a laugh again before they beckoned him to sit down at their table. "I woke up at the beach this morning and just came to have breakfast now so you're like the first people I have encountered since last night" he said. "We also just woke up and decided to come and have breakfast and boom! We are back at it again" he said as they chuckled. "Let me get the waitor so you can order something since it's your birthday and please order anything you want it's our treat."

The waitor came over and they placed their orders before getting back to their conversation. "So what do you remember about last night?" they asked, "I remember drinking shots and dancing then everything just went blank and i woke up on the beach with an empty bottle of wine". "That's all?" they asked, "Pretty much all I can recall for now" he replied. "Well you didn't do anything extreme but you downed a few beers, took shots, drank half a bottle of vodka that's when you were running up and down the place. You kissed a few ladies and then you disappeared". He held his head and they all just laughed at the whole story again. "I know there's more stories I'm going to hear if this is the first account" he said shaking his head.

The waitor arrived with the beverages, placed them on the table an walked off to attend to other diners. They took their beverages sipped for a bit and then picked up their conversation again. "We really had a great time celebrating your birthday with you, it's not everyday you meet friendly fun loving people like you and your friends you know" they said. "Well I really appreciate you taking time out to share the moment with me mot forgetting breakfast", he replied. "Oh, don't mention it we are new in town and you just showed us a great time so we're just returning the favour with a meal" they added on. "Either way it's much appreciated, sorry to ask but I totally forgot your names. Excuse my manners" he implied. "Damn bro you really were gone huh. Anyway I'm Dennis and this is Julian" he said as they shook hands again. "Nice to meet you again Dennis and Julian, I am Roman Sibdrino."


Roman sat at the table smiling with his drink in hand looking at the two men. Dennis was the more talkative and bubbly one of the two. Julian was very withdrawn and reserved for his physical appearance. He was a tall man of average built with a goatee, moustache, short hair, small sunken eyes and a smile that showed four crooked teeth. The cause of his crooked teeth being that he had "two extra teeth" but oddly it enough, it blended in with his look. Dennis was slightly below average in height, he was chubby with a stubble beard, big eyes, bushy eyebrows and a big smile that complimented his personality. Dennis wore a brown t-shirt with black shorts and flip flops and Julian wore a white t-shirt with blue shorts and flip flops too.

Dennis and Julian took turns to remind Roman of his perfomances the previous night. Apparently he was so drunk he went to Mens toilet and upon finding it fully occupied he proceeded to take the Janitor's Tip jar and urinated in it. There was a little scuffle but his friends came and resolved it. Roman then went on to kiss some random lady at the bar to prove that he was a lesbian. He played a game of pool with an empty beer bottle because he said pool was art. He drank a glass of fruit juice then downed half a bottle of vodka after because he said mixing them would spoil the juices taste. He went to complain to the Manager that the screens kept playing the same advert over and over. It turns out he was staring at the cigarette machine the whole time. The best was when he tried to enter the counter where you keep your bag, jacket or coat thinking it was the VIP section.

They all laughed uncontrollably until breakfast arrived and they dug into their plates. They ate in silence except for the sound of cutlery clinking and scrapping on the plate. They ate as if it was their first meal in days, totally consumed by their food as well as totally consuming it. "Wow! That really hit the spot! Now I'm ready to start the day!", Roman said with a big smile on his face. "We thought your day had already started and this was just a quick pitstop before you get back on track?" Dennis added on jokingly. "Practically speaking you're very correct so on that note let's get back into it shall we", Roman said rubbing his hands. "Well we clearly signed up when we tested out and enjoyed the free trial last night. I guess now we just have to solidify our membership" , Julian said with a grin. "Gentlemen your membership has been approved, let's have a drink to celebrate this new venture", Roman said whilst standing up to call the waitor over.

The waitor came over and Roman procceeded to order, "May I please have three of your finest and biggest beers?". "Sure, I'll bring you a good recomendation", the waitor replied with a big smile. "Sorry to ask, what's your name by the way?" , Roman asked the waitor. "Oh my name is Nelson" the waitor replied. "Well this is Dennis and Julian and I am Roman, Thank you for everything so far", Roman said whilst shaking Nelson's hand. "Not a problem guys Thank you for making my job easier, now let me get your drinks!" Nelson replied as he hurried off excitedly. "For a guy who plays pool with a beer bottle, urinates in tip jars and chases his juice with alcohol..you're surprisingly well mannered" Julian remarked. Roman shook his head and chuckled, "At least I didn't forget my manners and when to apply them so that's a good sign."

Their drinks arrived shortly after and the men were back to drinking and chatting again. All around them were people of different ages and genders talking, laughing, drinking, eating, playing on their phones, reading newspapers or having a go at the foosball table. It was a lively and vibey environment in the diner that morning and it added on to the already good day the three men were having. They ordered shots and downed a few more beers as they laughed and chatted on. Sitting at another table one could easily assume that they had known each other for a fairly long time. In the middle of all the drinking and laughter, Roman suddenly felt his pocket vibrating. He reached into it and pulled out his phone, 📞CALVIN CALLING📞 the screen read. "Excuse me guys I just need to take this call" Roman said to Dennis and Julian as he raised the phone to his ear to pick up the call.

"Hello! Hey bro what's up with you?" Roman said. "YOU'RE STILL ALIVE??? OH MAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! I didn't think you'd make it through the night!" Calvin shouted out from the other line. There was loud laughter on both ends of the phone call. "I'm like Wolverine mixed with the Highlander, self healing plus you can only kill me by cutting off my head" Roman joked. There was a roar of laughter from all the men. "Well let's put that to the test my mutant friend, so where are you now?" Calvin asked. "Right now at the diner, I had breakfast and now some drinks with Dennis and Julian from last night" Roman responded. "Oh is that those guys from last night?". "Yes Spot on! I met them in the diner again today so we had breakfast and drinks" , Roman replied. "Cool! Why don't you all come over to my place and then we'll take it from there?" Calvin asked. "Ok let me just ask them quickly" Roman lowers the phone from his ear and proceeds to ask Dennis and Julian. "Do you guys want to go to my friend Calvin's place or do you have other plans?". "It's your Birthday so if you want us to join you then let's go!" They both replied. "Ok then lets do this!" Romain said as he held the phone back to his ear. "Calvin! Get the ship ready beacause we are going to sail away into the sunset!". "Oh for sure bro! See you guys soon!" Calvin excitedly replied as he hung up the phone.

"Ok gentlemen let's down these and take this party elsewhere" Roman said as he grabbed his glass. The men downed their drinks, called the waitor over to settle their bill and left soon after. By now the sun was shining brightly outside and the temperature was very favourable with a cool breeze. People were dressed in short and loose clothing, some were topless on the way to the beach, swimming pool, park, skating skateboarding and all. The day just exuded a lot of happines and fun. As the men made their way to Calvin's place they talked and laughed more. They arrived at Calvin's place and buzzed him to let them in which he did and they made their way to his appartment. They knocked at the door and almost immediately it opened and Calvin peered out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROMAN!! Let's get this party started!". The men hugged and greeted each other at the door before Calvin let them into his appartment. As they walked in they saw more people already there and turned to Calvin who just shrug his shoulders. "Well it's a celebration after all so we have company..say Hello to the Birthday Boy Everyone!"...
© Nimrad Robinson