

Deeper In Love
We fell in love with each other again after being apart for many years. Yet these old feelings of mine would come back. We would make love to each other each and everyday of the week, knowing that our love is something deep and unique. I remember those times when we used to make love when we were kids, but we were young and naive back then. We broke up because we didn't know how to love each other back then. Now, we're all grown up and the love is different and new. You would always shower me with a lot of love and affection. Even though I needed the most was your love and your affection. What's different is that we're grown up and the love we have for each other is stronger than ever. Back when we were young, we used go fight a lot because we didn't know how to love each other. I can look back at those times and just laugh because we were so young. I've been with other women and men and yet I was craving your love. There's something about you that makes my heart beat and I just feel good when I'm with you. I think about you each and every single day of the week. You're sexy and smart and delicious and kind and I love everything about you. I know one day we'll get married and have a family of our own, though I know I love you with my heart and my soul. I'm falling in love with you and I can't help the way I feel. You make me smile when I'm feeling blue. And I just love the way you would always write me love letters and poems every morning and every night. We still fight every now and then, but I know that I'm really in love with you. You're the reason why I'm clean and sober today. We used to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes together. Yet we're both clean and sober now for almost three years. I thank you so much for choosing me to be yours. I thank you so much for giving me the best sex I've had in a long time. So many people thought we wouldn't havr lasted this long, but we proved them wrong. I'm falling in love with you and I know you're falling in love with me too. The way you walk into the room with that sexy smile on your face really turns me on. My heart would beat to the beat of your love. I remember times when I didn't want to live and it was your love that pushed me to be strong. The first boy I came out to and the first boy I slept with. I love you and I know you love me too. Our love has grown and yet I know that it's a beautiful love that was meant to be. I've lost friends and family members because they're against us being together. Though I'm happy that you love me enough to stay by my side. So many people judged me for being with you, yet they don't know that you're loving and kind and funny and really sweet. It's the way I feel about that really matters. Sex with you allowed me to get closer to you. The way you would allow me to dominate you in the bedroom, while still being so tender with me really turns me on. There's times when we would go our separate ways and then come back together as if we were never apart. Every time we would be apart, my heart and my soul would crave you and so much more. You have no idea how much you mean to me. We were kids when we first met and fell in love. But now, we're adults and let me say that our love is stronger than ever. You're my lover and my friend and I love you so much.

© Josiah Bhola Hillaire