

Food for thought
Let me ask you a question.

Who are you?

Now most of you thought; doctor, Engineer, Muslim etc etc

But did you think I'm Omair(for instance)

No... Thats the same as saying, that's a window and not glass. You used your property(or worse,your use) as your definition. The reason for which was you regarding that name or core matter as something not significant in front of what you choose. That's alarming.

To solve this we need to understand the weight/gravity of this name you hold.
That name is a representative of you yourself. The being created by God, the almighty. Who called you O human his best creation, then how can his best creation be worth less then something it itself possesses?

I'll put more gravity to the problem with this. In Surah Ahzab, last ruqu. Allah states (mafhoom)

And we showed the skies and the earth and the mountains a burden, and they requested to be relieved of the burden. But Man took the burden upon himself, and he is indeed merciless and foolish.

Listen well my friends, uncles and elders. We who don't know our own definition our creator and the burden are lifting something the skies, earth and mountain requested to be relieved of

So think and think hard and read the Qur'an, and read it yourself. Least you have to stand on the day of judgement, unanswerable for the burden you volunteered to lift