

Birth Incident

Alhamdulillah!! 8 DEC …. Long back on this day a baby girl was born to my parents….their first child. When my Ammy (Mom) asked the doctor after her delivery what happened (as doctors were in tension), Doctor replied that she has delivered a baby girl. But the child is not crying, not breathing and has no movements (just like a still born baby) and they can’t say anything about the baby’s survival, they are trying their best. (Some babies don’t breathe by themselves, after umbilical cord is cut).
Hearing this, my Ammy started crying; she forgot all her pain and started praying for her baby to survive. My Abba (father) with my granny and relatives were waiting in hospital to get the good news. Nurse from delivery room came out hurriedly, so my Abba asked the nurse is everything OK? Nurse said baby girl is born and she ran and came back with oxygen….seeing this, my Abba was worried and tried to ask the nurse. Nurse hurriedly went in room without replying.
Ammy says Doctors tried something. When there was no response from baby, then Doctor caught the baby by feet and held baby upside down. Still there was no response from baby. So finally they were about to put the baby on oxygen and try. At that time baby cried, started breathing and became active; hearing the cry my Ammy felt happy. Doctors said, baby is fit and fine but very weak and has to be taken much care. Ammy says she thanked Allah and was happy to see her baby…..this baby girl was Alhamdulillah .. meeee…
They named their baby…. AnwariJahan...meaning light of the world.
My mother would tell me and my brother and sisters this incident, every year on my birthday. I would feel happy to hear it as a story….later Abba (Daddy) would complete it by saying I was very thin so after one year Doctor gave me tonic. After that I was fat and chubby. He would feel very happy as he said this. Allah bless my parents always with good health and happiness. Aameen.[My father passed away in 2021 during Corona}
When I was small I heard this as a story and felt happy because baby was alive. But as I grew up and as a science student I would wonder how it could be possible that a baby can be alive without breathing for 10-15 mints or more. 2 years back I checked on net and found similar incident, few years back in America. And to examine that baby, group of expert doctors were called and after trying for 20 mints doctors declared the baby as dead. But one doctor from team said he will try one more time and baby finally started breathing 29 mints later, after birth. And such babies have risk of brain damage as heart does not pump blood. But that child was fully fit and fine and the doctors were amazed. Miracles do happen. And it’s beyond science. After reading this story I understood my case was similar and what my mother said about my birth, though unbelievable, was true. Praise and thanks to Allah. Sometimes a mother’s cry reaches God and impossible is made possible.

© Anwari Peshkar