

Change is not always bad..
where are they
where are the ones whom I believed I would never lose them. Where are those faces whom I wanted to see every single day of my life. It seems so funny when we know that we do matter for each other yet circumstances led us to be apart. When I was a kid I heard many many times that as we grow old people change and nothing remains the same. I wondered will it be with me as well, will I be the one to change too or will my loved ones will change or will our love change for each other.
Hard to digest na..but yes somewhere without even wanting we do grow apart and not everytime that we want to but circumstances led us to do things that may be we even don't want to. We human beings have this tendency to put a label on everything without even considering what truly must have caused it. Poor humans stupidest beings. I pray for all the breathing humans to get some ease for themselves and for a moment just do nothing so that we could let one another breathe in peace.
And getting back to what I was saying earlier # people change. well honestly speaking what I know after all these years is that maybe people don't really change what changes is how they look on things and how they feel about it. Part of the reason is that every human being goes through something terrible once in a lifetime. Maybe you've not faced it before but that doesn't mean you will never face it. And with terrible I don't mean just some momentary heartbreak that makes you not eat for a while and moody but with terrible I mean soul draining events that just leaves you helpless and tired and empty no matter how much you try you can't pull yourself up. I'm sure everyone of us have our own versions of terrible so I get it. All I want to say is our experiences and what we've been through shapes and moulds us into beings that maybe we don't even want to be. So lets not point and raise opinions on people and lable them as changed when we don't know anything about.
And the other thing of people growing apart, well yes a part of it is also true we do grow apart in some ways along the path of our lives because we are bound to make decisions for our own. And sometimes those decisions makes us move apart but that doesn't mean the love ends that easily. I believe if we could be little more patient and try a little bit to first know the situations then we can still find love that once binded us together because love means wanting the best for them. For them to be happy and safe. Maybe we won't express love like before as, we will never be apart but as 'though we are apart now but when we need someone to hold on we will always be right there for the ones whom we love and whom we loved'.
For the one who is reading this, that's for the day find your own story with little kindness and immense bravery in your heart to confront the truth that is your's and your owm.