

Who is Sophia Ibitoru?
Before I begin to publish all the amazing , captivating , motivating and mind blowing contents I have in store for us, I want to do something ....

I would love to formally introduce myself to the family here.

Hey fam, my name is Sophia Ibitoru .A. and as expected I am a lot of things. Yes, I am . I'm a medical student , I'm a model, I'm a public speaker ,I'm an author and of course I'm a writer (development drill instructor most especially ).

I happen to love and resonate with a lot of genres and niches in writing but I also happen to be so keen, drawn and attentive to the developmental needs of people . By this I mean, Personal development is one niche I am ruggedly interested in .

There are a lot of reasons I am so interested in personal development and one reason is because a lot of persons neglect this aspect whereas it is one of the most crucial aspect of anyone's life. Without developing yourself personally, you can't acheive all that you want to, you can't build the life you want to and you can't attain the heights you long to reach .

This brings me to telling you my goal.
For Miss Sophia Ibitoru , The goal is to make IMPACT.

Honestly,I have a lot more to say but I guess with this I have been able to pass a little message across and I hope to see you reading my work, living it intentionally and succeeding in all you do .

I root for you immensely ...

© Ibitoru Speaks