

DWT. Chapter 1; The Crave For Distraction.
Droplets of sweat would pearl onto her porcelain like complexion, the first golden rays of the sun making them shimmer in the light as one of her bare limbs seemed to tighten around a rather fluffy blanket, made out of hazel wolf fur. Biting her plump coral red lower lip, she attempted to muffle upcoming sounds of terror and sorrow, her perfectly maintained nails digging into said fabrics as she fought a few tears. The scenario she was going through in her nightmare was identical to her trauma a decade back in time, the one where she became a widow.

Everything was perfect, his arms around her waist as he pressed his soft lips against her flesh, the tip of his nose gently caressing the nape of her neck as he murmured in her ear as to how they would live a peaceful life. He wanted to grow old together and have two children, maybe even get an animal with a big garden. He had chosen names for their offspring, colours for the flowers that he would grow, decided on which ones he would surprise her with during the day like he always had done before. His parents had taught him how to grow flora and to discern toxic of safe ones, which he would use on the daily to surprise her with in the morning by plucking a few flowers prior to exceeding the wilting stage, setting them in a vase on her night desk before going back under the covers to embrace her in a spooning like position, the one where she could bury her face into his broad chest and inhale his sandalwood like scent.

Unfortunately, even though everything seemed to be going flawless until their loss of orientation in the middle of a forest, both lost she was eventually attacked by a wolf from behind. Fortunately, her husband had knocked the beast aside and relief washed over her. However, that feeling didn’t last when she had seen the jaws of the animal around his neck. His silver sword might’ve pierced it but that didn’t prevent him from dying when the warg had shut its maw and broken his vertebrae.

“Adelio!!”; His name echoed through the room which was hers in her current situation, her petals quivering because of the overwhelming stream of emotions, while the left corner was getting moist due to the salted tears that seemed to have made their way to the latter. She had jerked up when screaming, her heavy breath escaping its prison that was her mouth in small clouds as to how frisky of a weather it was in the morning. Embracing her legs with her slender arms she would rest her forehead against her knees, the only thing to be heard now being her quiet sobbing as she pressed her lips against the silver ring, the one he had given her at their wedding after saying their vows.

Eventually, when she calmed down, she decided to close her window, only to make her way to her bathroom to get freshened up. As she rinsed her body with cold water, she tried to remember her husband's voice and laugh instead, not wishing to see his corpse in a puddle of blood in the snow whenever she closed her amber orbs. Wrapping her voluptuous frame in a fuzzy towel she looked down at her abdomen, slowly caressing it with her left hand as her sorrow seemed to invade her once more.

The overwhelming emotions of ten years ago due to the accident with her husband got her to have a miscarriage, losing so their future son of whom they already had picked a name for. Their choice Cynfael had been simple as Adelio meant the father of the little prince, while the first one meant exactly what he was to them, the little prince.

Her outfit was made out of cotton, be it her long-sleeved alabaster white button up shirt or even her dark azure high-waisted pants that fitted her frame tightly. While her leather hunters' boots matched the shade of the latter, so would her gloves and her cotton scarf. Draping a similar coloured cloak over her shoulders she would emit a short sigh, not wishing to seclude herself any longer.

As she ran her digits through her arcadian white hair, she made sure to tie it upwards with a hairband of the same material, creating so a messy bun by allowing her gyaru fringe to cover her forehead as she walked towards what seemed to be a tavern at the edge of her village. She required something to keep her mind off of things, a mission that would actually keep her busy for a longer while this time, even if it didn’t necessarily went high in crowns.

© AlaynaCade