

We Will Meet Again

I'm Maya...this is my love story, ever though it is not integral, but it is still alive in my heart.
                 That was my first day of my paining class. When I got there, I saw that the teacher yelling at a boy. I didn't know what was going on. Before I could ask anyone, the boy walked outside of the building. I didn't understand what happened, since I was new in the class the teacher introduced me to everyone.
              After class, when I come home, I was thinking about that boy all day. Hearing to one of the classmate of painting school, I understand that his name was Vicky.
     My best friend Sara used your learn painting at that painting school. However, he was absent that day. I call her and she said she wouldn't come next week but she definitely come in the very next week. I didn't tell her about Vicky.
The next day in the painting class the teacher said that the new recruits among us should be the models & the rest of us would sketch us and the very next week would be just the opposite.
                   I was just wondering whose model I would be, at that time I saw that no one was paying attention to Vicky, I could not understand why no one like him. So I went to him and asked if I could be his model, he didn't say anything just shook his head and said yes. He let me see the sketch after it was over. I was surprised to see such a wonderful sketch as if he had taken a picture and stick it. Just one thing come out of my mouth "it's amazing". Then he looks at me and gives me a piece of paper. I saw there was written 'thank you'. I don't understand why he wrote it on a paper without saying it. One of the classmate from the other side laughed out loud and said, "Hey Maya, why are you wandering, he can't talk so he wrote it on a paper"...
Now I understand the whole thing. That's why that day the teacher was yelling at him, no one like him and cared about him. But it doesn't matter to me. I looked at him, smiled and said 'mention not' you deserve it. I realized that he was very happy to hear me.
               After the class was over, he gave me the sketch and left from the room. Then I followed him without thinking anything. After walkinga a long way, I saw him sitting on a bench. I went to him and asked him why he was sitting here. He gestured with his hand and said 'just like that'. I gave him the sketch and told him to keep it because he drew it, next week when I draw him I will keep that. Again he gestured with his hand and said 'ok'.
      That's how we become friends.We used to learn painting together, went for walks and had a lot of fun. Everyone would laugh when they saw us going together because I'm hanging out with someone who can't talk. It doesn't matter to me what people's said, because before he said anything I understood that what he wants to say...
                   I never thought my best friend gave me condition for a very little reason. she told me that either I should end my friendship with Vicky or I should never talk to her again. I told Sara that I wouldn't end my friendship with Vicky and for that I wouldn't have any problem if I couldn't talk to her again. Even after seeing a person's weakness, who doesn't stand by their side, that person can never be my best friend. He listened to me and left without saying anything. Slowly Slowly i realized I had fallen in love with Vicky.
                     That day was the day before the happy new year. Vicky and I went for wandering the market area, after walking all day at 12 o'clock we came to the beach a little earlier. As soon as it was twelve o'clock in the night, firecrackers started exploding all around the sky. At that time i was propose to Vicky, he hugged me, then gestures his hands and told me that he loved me too.
          In this way everything was going well. But it doesn't mean that every day people will got good time, then there was a twist came in this story.
A few days later we were supposed to go on a trip. Vicky said he would wait for me at the bus stop that day. When I got there I saw him standing at the bus stop, he saw me from a distance and came forward. Then a car hit him in front of my eyes. I can't handle watching this scene anymore. I ran to him and told him that nothing would happen to him. Then a person standing at that spot called an ambulance.
              Then an ambulance came and brought him to the hospital. Then I called her parents and told them everything. They knew me,  I had met them before, and they also knew that we were going to visit today. Her parents came to the hospital, her mother was crying a lot. Then the doctor came and said that Vicky had died on the spot before he was brought to the hospital. I was shocked to hear the news of his death. Then his parents told me that whatever has happened was God’s will and we had nothing to do here.
                           that day I was able to adjust everything but I still can't forget him. His staring at the sky and that sweet smile. I loved him so much and I will always love him. Today is his death anniversary, the only thing I want to tell him is that we will meet again.