

The Witch House (introduction)

It was Saskia that told me to do it.
Dared me, even.
To go to the witch house.
There were four of us that night. Saskia, Holly, Jess and I, at our spot on the edge of the woods, trading draws of a cigarette Jess had sneaked from her mum's bag. We were giddy in the way that only twelve year old girls can be and that had bubbled, naturally, into a game of dares. It was the most fun we'd had since the start of summer and we were all feeling a little scandalous and grown up from the cigarette. Trust Saskia to ruin a perfectly good evening.
"She won't go, I bet you - she'd pee herself if she tried."
There were laughs then.
I couldn't have that.
I had obviously become the scapegoat for tonight's round of jeering and to avoid being it again, it was crucial to take this on the chin.
"I'm not bothered," I had snorted, "but I'm not waiting about in that dump all night, I actually have better things to do with my time, unlike you ladies."
I folded my arms in what I hoped was a subtle gesture, to hide my goosebumps from the others.
If they thought I was scared, I'd never have heard the end of it. I was right to be freaked though, and they would have been too if they had gotten that dare. Everyone in our town had heard the stories and, though our parents always dismissed them as fiction, even they couldn't deny the strange feeling you got from that part of the woods.
"Doubtful that you'd have anything better to do, Mel but fine, ten minutes and you're good," Saskia replied, trademark smirk plastered on her face, "and we'll need a photo as proof, of course"
"Extra points if you get the witch in it!" Holly had squealed, sneaking a glance at Saskia to see if she approved.
"Ugh Holly, don't! I'd have a heart attack," Jess interjected, "Please, Please be careful Mel and seriously, if you see that old bitch, run like the wind."
Jess was nicer than the others, but I could tell even she was dying to see what would happen.
"Hasta la vista, chums!" I called out in a faux-carefree voice, as I tried to walk away as steadily as possible. "If I die, I'm totally haunting you all"
This made them laugh, but their giggles were warm this time. They liked it best when I was the goofy one.
"Don't let her get you" one of them sing-songed to me, as I stepped deeper into the woods.

© Diane Lawlor