

The Beast
I stared at the creature before me and it's ever changing form. An impossible creature that radiated an intensity I had never experienced before its mere presence nearly forcing me to kneel. Whether it would be in reverence, a plead for mercy, or simply an acceptance of what is to come, I did not know. Eventually it settled into a form, my form and it stared at me. The gaze cut me beyond my flesh and sank into the very depths of my soul. We stood there for a time in this place I did not know nor did I know for how long we remained there. Eventually, with a sickening tone it "spoke" though its mouth did not move.


The word flowed coldly into my mind like an icicle into my grey matter as if its words held weight beyond my comprehension. I remained silent as the creature wearing my face tilted its head.

"Will you not converse with me"

The words pounded in my mind with ever increasing intensity like nails being driven through metal. Soon I made my response.

"What are you?"

The creature chuckled in response.

"So you do speak. I am many things and yet nothing all at the same time."

Though I remained silent it could still sense both my confusion and unease.

"Do not worry, why would I harm the one who made me, made us."

My eyes widened both in horror and astonishment as I spoke again.


The space we occupied soon began to crack and malform.

"A story for another time it would seem but do not worry we will speak again, for I will always remain right here."

As the floor beneath me shattered I looked up and for the first time the, thing, smiled.

"See you soon."

An instant later I awoke in the solitary darkness of my room. My heart pounding in my chest. I had never been more afraid of a beast in my life.
© With clipped wings