

Suicide is not the solution...
Suicide is not the solution...
The line which is pasted on social media like by everyone . Do you really think a man really want to suicide or the problems or questions arising inside him made him so hard to think of this step. Saying that suicide is not the solution is very easy before you itself gone through it. Have you ever experienced the problems the one facing at that time before attempting suicide . It is very easy to give theoritical advise to everyone after someone is gone or have taken this step. At that time every one has time to give such a advice but when that person need your presence at that time where are you?
Think , before giving advice to anyone. No one wants to end it's life but the circumstances made them do so. Typing and sending or posting is bit easier instead of seating near that person who is going through that things. Social media is the real culprit of all this happening . Now everyone what's to capture the moment besides living it.
What to say mankind is killing each other without knowing . We all are the culprits of one or the other.
Just think before saying! 🙏🙏🙏