

Her Last Wish
Mia sighed as she stared at herself in her bathroom mirror again. The sounds of shouting and breaking objects were all muffled by the door but she already knew what the fight was about. Tears mananged to leak out of the corners of her eyes.

The shouting ceased and the sounds of sobbing replaced it. Mia exited the bathroom and saw her mother crying in the kitchen while her father was drunk in the living room. Shards of broken bottles and plates were all around the kitchen towards the hallway.

Mia exited the house quietly, not even bothering to say goodbye. She knew her parents wouldn't care anyways.

"All they ever do is fight all day. Do they even know I exist? Do they know and not even care that their only daughter is there, listening to everything they say? " Mia thought.

She kept walking, passing different houses. Her mind was so deep in thought that she never acknowledged the chilly wind nor the hot, blazing sun. She passed by the park and stole a glance at the kids, all playing with their parents and friends. Big smiles all plastered on their faces and laughter coming out of their mouths.

She felt envy blooming in her heart. Envy at those smiles and laughter but she also felt sadness. Sadness for not being able to experience those two things with her parents.

She continued walking down towards a narrow path leading to the forest. The thick forest didn't have much light but Mia didn't care. She let her own feet walk while her mind was indulged in many different thoughts.

She made it towards a clearing in the mide of the forest. It was a meadow full od different kinds of flowers. A river was just right below it with clear water and different fishes.

Mia sat down on the middle, facing the sun and the river. She admired the beauty of the sight. She saw two rabbits, hopping freely across the river. A doe was silently munching on the grass along with a younger one. Birds openin their wings and taking off to soar the sky.

Mia smiled sadly. She wished her life was this peaceful and happy. She wished to experience the feeling of being carefree. But mostly, she wished to be free. Free from her parents, from her problems, and from her sadness. To experience freedom like the birds who soar the sky.

She looked up to the sky and let her tears fall. She let herself drown in her own emotions while also wishing for freedom. Maybe one day her wish would come true and she will never have to live a loveless life.

On that day, the skies turned gray, the clouds also cried. They all cried for the girl who was alone sitting in the meadow and slowly closing her eyes, for it to never open again.

#sad #emotional #life story