

Just like that..
Jay and Valerie Somers are friends getting to know each other as Jay took planes flying from here to there on business trip. Valerie was a cook on the plane that she takes until she bought a little house Clapton Jay's home town.
Valerie you're always helping somebody else everytime I see you Jay said. Yeah I know it's in me... but now I need a lot of somebodies to help me... I got a lot on my plate and I don't know which to turn I don't know how to get started my bathroom need fixing really my whole house needs repair she said. I got a lot of problems and I need help.
I'm here alone I mean literally alone there's noone that I can turn to that can help me.
Look Val my brother knows a lot about plumbing and fixing thing I'll talk to him for you. Later that even a blue truck pulled in Val's yard a tall slender man got out, knocking on the screen door hi he said I'm looking for Val. I'm Valerie you're Jay's brother right Val unlocked the screen door come in. Jay said that you need some work done on your bathroom, yeah and some other stuff too. That's nice I thought looking the slender man very nice... Let's go take a look at the job at hand take some measurements and find out what I need to get started. We walked down the hall through the kitchen to the back bathroom. Don't go away Val I might need you to help me with something. As Daniel was looking at the bathroom I was looking at him tracing every inch of ever screen of him. He was nearly dressed in a uniform type outfit wearing blue
his shirt neatly tucked in his pants and belt just riding in the loops. You're not from here i grew up here and i would have remembered you he said. No.. I'm from New York born and raised but the city is too fast for me now so I moved her for a safer environment.
People are getting killed every day up there there's no end to it people just dont care about what they do these days. You can hardly find anybody that care anymore and a helping hand is out of the question because you don't know who to trust. Most people are just out for money and will do anything to get it I said. Val go to my truck and get my phone for me please Daniel said. Getting to the truck I noticed a lot of paperwork on the passenger seat indicating noone rides in his truck. The toolbox on the back of the truck wasn't locked so I peeked in and it to was neat. When I got back he dialed some numbers ordering the parts that he needed.
Ok Val I seem to have this started and I'll be back in the morning to get started will 7 be ok yes 7 is good for me I said walking him to the door. Daniel got in and drove off.
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