

The Unknown Creature
Once there was a person his name was Kile, he was very proud of himself for not being scared of anything. But also scared others for his fun. Once he and his friends were playing baseball suddenly he hit the ball so hard that it would reached the haunted place ( house ) just near the playground. All of his friends were scared of that haunted house. So Kile decided to go there and get his ball back. He just opened the door when he heard the sound of bats. He went inside the house suddenly the door locked the single light in that house went off, the wind was blowing very fast, he went upstairs to get the ball suddenly he heard that someone else was also climbing upstairs. The person who was not scared in his whole lifetime was shivering. He opened the box that was just near him he found the ball inside it the door opened and saw a weird looking grandma he started screaming as he thought she was a weird looking witch the old grandmother hold his hand and said give me money for repairing the window the boy was shocked. The boy looked more dead than alive. The old weird looking grandmother took the boy to his home and asked his mother to give the money for repairing the window and also told the reason for asking money. His mother gave the grandmother the money for repairing the window. Then at home the boy was scolded for the reason that you know. Then he was scared of everything even an ant.