

One quiet day in the village, a man named Tyha came along a trail and seen his friend Ramon fighting a tree...

Tyha looked at Ramon, who had been his loyal friend for years. "Why are you fighting that tree?" He asked curiously.

Oh, Tyha, it's not really what it seems... I'm practicing for a battle with this guy named Brutus who insulted my girl.

"What did he say?" He said, "She's so ugly she has to sneak up on a mirror!"

Tyha..."Well is that all he said about her?" "No, he also said that she was so ugly when she was born, the doctor threw her out the window of the hut. And the window threw her back.

Ramon..."That's why I'm fighting this tree. Because I'm going to kick his butt!" And my son was with me too!

Tyha..."Well, it seems to me that the tree is winning because you're all black and blue!"

"Wouldn't it be easier to just go and fight Brutus?"

Ramon..."No, no, no. You don't understand. Brutus is a beast. He's so strong he can lift a car with one hand. He's so fast he can outrun a cheetah.

He's so smart he can solve a Rubik's cube in two seconds. And he's so handsome he can make any girl fall in love with him."

Tyha..."Wow, he sounds amazing. Why did he insult your girl then?"

Ramon..."Because he's also a jerk. He's so mean he makes fun of ugly people. He's so rude he never says please or thank you. And so greedy he never shares anything.

He's so selfish he only cares about himself."

Tyha..."I see. So how are you going to beat him?"


"Are you saying your girl is ugly?"

Ramon..."No, Brutus said that. Tyha, you already know my lovely Flora is beautiful as a rose. But, I'm going to defeat him with my secret weapon. I have something that he doesn't have."

Tyha..."What is it?"

Ramon..."A sense of humor. I'm going to make him laugh so hard that he'll lose his breath and collapse on the ground.

Then I'll punch him in the face and knock him out."

Tyha..."Really? That's your plan?"

Ramon..."Yes, trust me. It will work. I have some killer jokes that will make him crack up."

Tyha..."That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!" "Well, what else can I do complained Ramon."

Tyha whispered, "We are going to trick Brutus by dressing up in different disguises. In each disguise, I'll tell him stories about how incredibly strong you are. That way, I'll plant doubt in his mind about taking you on."

Ramon burst into laughter. "That's brilliant, Tyha! "Why it's using psychological warfare against him."

Tyha chuckled, "Exactly! He'll be so confused and scared by the time we're finished he won't dare fight you.

With their plan in motion, Ramon and Tyha began crafting elaborate disguises and rehearsing tales of Ramon's famous, legendary strength. They knew that outsmarting Brutus would be their greatest weapon.

The following day, Ramon, dressed as an elderly man, approached Brutus, who was boasting about his own power.

"You know, young man," Ramon began in a frail voice, "I once saw Ramon lift a boulder twice his size with just one hand."

Brutus's eyes widened in disbelief. "Ramon did that?"

Ramon nodded sagely, "Oh, yes, and that was just a warm-up for him."

Why, I once saw him punch a lion right upside the head. Oh, "He is so tough, strong and bad he slapped a elephant so hard, peanuts fell from his ass!"

He's the baddest cat in the entire land, he once kicked a angry gorilla and left a footprint on his rear end.

Brutus...has an expression of sheer astonishment. "Wow!"

As the days passed, Ramon donned various disguises, each one sharing a more astounding feat of strength. Brutus was now unsure of the challenge that awaited him. The doubt was gnawing at his confidence.

Tyha disguises himself as an undertaker one day and saunters up to Brutus..." I need to fit you for a casket."


A casket?

"Yes, for after your fight with Ramon."

He once jumped on a hippo's butt and called him ugly. Then pulled all his teeth as if that wasn't enough. Yeah, he horse whip a buffalo with his own hide so bad, it made him hollar like James Brown and run off in the night.

I heard he tied ten pissed off baboons together by the tail and threw them in the river. "Then yelled at a rhinoceros and made him shiver!"

Ramon and Tyha continued their charade, each disguise more outlandish than the last. Brutus was soon becoming increasingly bewildered by the tales of Ramon's superhuman strength.

One day, Ramon disguised himself as a traveling merchant, approached Brutus, and began spinning a yarn about Ramon's wrestling prowess. "Did you hear about the time Ramon wrestled a bear to the ground?"

The merchant asked innocently. Brutus shook his head, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Oh, yes," the merchant continued. "Ramon grabbed the bear by the scruff of its neck and threw it over his shoulder like a sack of grain. And the fight was over.

The bear was so terrified that it ran away into the woods and never came back." Brutus gulped. He was starting to believe that Ramon might actually be as strong as everyone was saying.

The next day, Tyha disguised himself as a wise old woman and approached Brutus with a knowing smile. "I have seen many strong men in my time," he said, "but none as strong as Ramon.

He is said to be able to bend iron with his bare hands and lift buffaloes with his feet."

Why he's stronger than an ox, and wilder then a wildebeest. Fierce as a tiger, oh you'll be needing a casket. Unless you decide to flee...

Once, he snatched a bunch of bananas from a hungry tribe of monkeys. And rode a wildebeest like a damm donkey.

He hitched a ride on a enormous crocodile, stole his dinner and made him smile. A leopard once jumped on his back, he tied him up, threw him in a sack.

Then made a fur coat out of him and that was that.

He yelled so loud at a mouse in a bucket of cream, it churned the cream into all the butter he would ever need.

He walked into town once and made such a roar. They gave him free beer, donuts and all the goods in the stores.

Rumors of Ramon's astonishing feats had spread through the village like wildfire. Each day, the townspeople gathered at the local tavern, their eyes wide with wonder, as they recounted the latest tales of Ramon's superhuman abilities.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the tavern filled with eager listeners, a hushed silence fell over the crowd as Tyha, in a new disguise as a carnival barker, took the stage.

He held a massive mallet that seemed better suited for giants. "Ladies and gentlemen!" he boomed, his voice echoing through the room. "Tonight, you'll witness the incredible might of Ramon as he attempts the 'Ring the Bell' challenge!"

The crowd leaned forward in anticipation as Tyha explained the rules. A colossal, wooden structure towered over the makeshift carnival booth, its top adorned with a bell that appeared unreachable to ordinary folks.

The challenge was for Ramon to swing the massive mallet with all his strength and attempt to strike the bell at the pinnacle of the structure.

Ramon stepped up to prove himself equal to these extraordinary feats, and up to the challenge. With a resounding thud, he swung the mallet against the lever, causing the structure to shake and creak.

The crowd gasped in disbelief as the bell rang out, its melodious chime filling the tavern. Cheers erupted, and the onlookers marveled at Ramon's amazing accomplishment.

But Tyha and Ramon were not ones to be outdone. The next day, Tyha appeared as a scientist and approached Ramon with a strange contraption of wheels, levers, and gears.

"Ramon," he said, "I've designed a challenge that will truly test your mettle. This machine is a colossal slingshot, and your task is to launch yourself over a canyon that no one else would dare cross."

Brutus gaped at the immense gap between the cliffs, realizing the perilous nature of the challenge. He thought Ramon must really be quite insane to even contemplate a feat like this.

He watched Ramon climbed into the contraption, and with a mighty heave, he was catapulted across the canyon.

The cheers from the crowd on the other side were deafening, and Ramon landed safely, beaming with a newfound confidence.

The stories of Ramon's incredible feats became legendary, and the villagers couldn't get enough. They craved more tales of daring and strength, and Ramon and Tyha were all too happy to oblige.

The disguises became increasingly outrageous – from a lion tamer to a pirate captain – and the challenges more daring.

The more Ramon and Tyha challenged Brutus, the more his doubt transformed into fear.. He began to believe that he was, indeed, capable of accomplishing these incredible feats.

Word of Ramon's extraordinary progress reached the ears of the villagers and beyond. People came from far and wide to witness these incredible challenges.

The once-skeptical villagers now cheered with unbridled enthusiasm as they saw Ramon take on each new test with unwavering courage.

Ramon and Tyha's disguises had now evolved into extravagant performances, each challenge more breathtaking than the last.

They had turned this quaint village into a center of awe and amazement.

As the days turned into weeks, Ramon found himself at the center of a remarkable adventure. He had faced his doubts head-on, surmounted seemingly impossible obstacles, and emerged as a true champion.

The doubt that had gnawed at him had been replaced with a profound belief in his own abilities and the unwavering support of the village that had once doubted him.

But, Brutus grimaced, and was now starting to have second doubts about his own abilities. He had always considered himself to be the strongest man in the village, but now he was beginning to wonder if he was even a match for Ramon.

As the day of the fight drew near, Brutus became unsure and increasingly nervous. He knew that he couldn't back down from the challenge, but he was also afraid of what might happen if he faced Ramon in battle.

On the day of the fight, Brutus stood in the center of the village, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked across to the crowd and then at Ramon, who stood there standing tall and feeling supremely confident.

Brutus knew that he had to do something to regain his confidence. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Ramon," he said, "I know that you are said to be a very strong man. But I am not afraid of you. I will fight you, and I will win."

Ramon smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, Brutus," he said. "I was hoping you wouldn't back down."

You know, "You're so ugly, you went into a haunted house and came out with an application."

The crowd snickers...

Ramon is encourage, yeah, "You're so ugly, when you were born the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents."

Villagers laughing hard...

Why Brutus, You're so ugly, you mother had to get drunk before she breast fed you.

Yes "You're so ugly, when your mother went into labor the doctors went on strike."

"You're so ugly, villagers use your picture as a scarecrow."

Oh, yeah, why you're so ugly, I took you to see the zoo and they said,

"Thanks for bringing him back."

The crowd is roaring with laughter, giggling and having a hoot...

The two men faced each other, their eyes locked. The crowd held their breath, waiting for the long anticipated fight to begin.

They drew bets on who would win the fight...

Suddenly, Brutus burst into laughter. Ramon stared at him in some confusion. "What's so funny?" he asked.

And Brutus wiped away a tear of laughter saying,

"Why, you're actually pretty funny!"

"I was just thinking," he said, "Look how silly we are. Here we are, two grown men, about to fight over a stupid insult. Don't you think that we should just forget about it and be friends?"

Ramon was taken aback. He had never considered the possibility of being friends with Brutus.

"Friends?" he asked hesitantly.

"Why not?"

Brutus said. "We both like Flora, and we both want what's best for her. So why don't we just work together to make her happy?"

Ramon thought for a moment. He realized that Brutus was right. There was no need for them to fight. They could be friends instead.

With a smile of relief he said,

"Okay," "Friends."

Brutus smiled. "That's the spirit," he said.
The two men shook hands, and the crowd cheered. The fight was over, and a brand new friendship had begun.

As the crowd began to dispersed, Ramon and Tyha exchanged glances. They knew that their plan had worked.

They had outsmarted Brutus and avoided a silly, needless fight. And had also gained a new friend in the
