

Camping Trip Gone Wrong Pt.2
Bang , Bang , Bang

Lisa-What's was that ?
Jack-I don't know someone is at the door
Jack-Omg dude hi , where the hell you been all this time
Jack-Come in I got the crew on the line
Tony-Ok switch to video
Jack-Ok , Guys look who's here

Everyone Hi Tony

Tony-Wow you guys look the same , but I do have a question

Lisa-Ok go for it

Tony-When are you guys going to tell someone about amber & kim?

Deon-What do you mean

Tony-Do you guys remember when we was kids I always said I wanted to take walks and explore well I got to the bottom of the cliff it's a lil path way to get down there

Alex-So you telling me you was there and you knew how to get down there and you didn't help really tony

Tony-DONT REALLY TONY ME ! When you guys went in i went down there and got her she didn't make it and that was very hard for me and she told me to dig a hole and put her there right before she you know

Lisa-Wait why you was there and didn't say anything?

Tony-Because I wanted to scare you guys a little but that didn't go as planned .. where is kim ?


Deon-We don't really know

Tony-What ?

Lisa-We was at the cabin and amber took her

Tony-Lol ok wait let me get this straight you want me to think amber got kim lol y'all are out of y'all minds

Jack-It happened at the cabin , amber told us to leave

Tony-So let's go to the cabin

Everyone- NO

Tony-I don't believe you guys

Deon-Then don't im out

Lisa-Me to

Alex-Later guys

Tony-Wow all of us are best friends , how did we get here

Jack-This is all messed up

Tony-You are right but i have to go pick up my little sister but we will talk about this later

Jack-Cool , drive safe


Now I'm walking back and forth in my living room trying to wrap my head around everything but I couldn't my head was cloudy I became light headed so I took a nap time goes by

Jack-Why did tony call so many times , ugh no answer let me leave a text ..

Hour Goes By

Jack-Oh how did I miss this

Tony-Hey I know you are going to be mad but I'm at the cabin and I'm very scared I'm starting to hear things I need you guys hurry ahh what was that

I called everyone immediately and told them we had to go to the cabin because tony decided to go there without telling anyone again

so we all get to the cabin and I feel like I want to throw my whole stomach up we all yelling for tony then we see blood then the door slammed

Alex-Wait no no no see we shouldn't have came


We running looking for deon and we didn't find him we started to freak out then boom deon is walking holding his side bleeding

Deon-It's kim and she wants to kill us all

Jack-We need to leave now

Lisa-What about tony we can't leave someone else

Jack-Then where is he

Alex-Guys come on

we get outside getting in the car

Tony-Please help me

Alex-That's tony

Lisa-Go get him

Jack & Alex Where are you

Alex-I don't see him

Tony-Over here , oh thank god y'all was right I'm so sorry

Jack-It's ok man come on

Kim-I want alex now

Alex-I love you guys and y'all will always be my brothers

Tony-No don't do this


I carry tony to the car I got to go back for alex kim wants him so I run back and yell alex name kim makes me fly over a rock

Alex-Stop you want me

Amber-Leave my friends alone

Kim-Oh shut up even when your dead your still a

Amber is now in kim face ghost vs ghost

Amber-Still a what ? kim i was never scared of you I just always thought you needed attention and did very stupid things to get it

Kim-Oh shut up already

Amber-Ive had enough of this ahh

Alex gets up an ran to jack

Alex-Get up man I'm not leaving you get up fine I'll carry you

Jack-Thanks bro

Alex-Drive NOW

one week later we meet up and made a promise to never speak about anything that happen ever again

Knock Knock

Lisa-Who is it ?

Its the police department we have a few questions

Jack-Here we go

Alex-We say we haven't saw them and they haven't been picking up ?

Lisa-Hi officers how can I help y'all ?

Police-We are looking for these two missing people we was informed that you guys are friends

Tony-Omg are you serious y'all these are our friends

Jack-I don't understand was they together when they went missing

Lisa-No that's not possible I'm going to call amber

Tony-I will call kim

Police-I know this can be hard if you can think of anything at all please give me a call we are here to help

the officers leave and we just look at each other

Jack-It's been a whole year

Alex-Something isn't right

Lisa-I feel the same

Tony-We got to play this smart guys if we say something about ghosts they gone think we lost our minds

Lisa-Ok guys are we in this together or apart

Everyone Together

Lisa-Then let's do this

everyone went home when I got home I found a letter by my door it said

I know amber was with you guys on a camping trip a year ago that was the last time I saw her if you don't give me the information I need I will tell the police

Jack Here We Go , I'm Not Ready For This

Stay Tuned For Pt.3

© Queen Pooh Rainbow