

Hello my name is godsmercy. I am a student. I love writing but not as much as I love science and because of science I actually sometimes experiment on food which brought the love of food to me but most especially meat. So I tried experiment on some foods and something you guys don't know about me I have salt tooth like anything I eat I add salt. So I added salt on already cooked rice didn't go well but I liked it then added it in a drink bigi apple (Nigerians know the drink cause I am) I liked it others didn't then I tried something that made me jump to heaven. I roasted beef seasoned with butter and pepper and don't forget the salt. Ohh it was delicious and I tried all the meats I could eat pork, cow, chicken mention anything. I can eat the amount of meat you eat in a day in just one hour unusual right yeah. And mainly because am Nigerian am not use to pizza or taco, cheese burger actually we call them junks yh so I'm based national type and I'm okay with it. So what should I tell you again about food. Yh I'm also a waster like I do an experiment didn't work good it goes to the dumpster like wasting of food material and resources. But if am deprived there shall not be peace so leave me and my meat alone. Sometimes they (my family) don't have time to cook and cook and cook and cook and cook so I do the cooking which I actually love but think it will be better if I didn't and am not lazy. I watch a very awesome show 'matilda and the Ramsey bunch' on da vinci and it actually gave me the encouragement and I want to be like matilda and her father a popular chef. So thanks for reading. I hope you learnt something and most importantly your girl loves meat 🍖