

Attempting my own challenge
1. My favourite book is " Song of slaves in the desert" by Alan Cheuse.

2. My favourite toy growing up is Bow and arrow, and catapult.
Yeah I know, not the normal toy for a growing up girl, but then I am not normal either so it kinda make sense😁

3. Nah I don't have a kitchen fail, I am an awesome cook😏😂

4. Toothbrush 😁, this is one thing that I am never sharing with anyone, that's gross.

5. I like to poke fun to almost everyone, but there are some whom I must absolutely make fun of on a daily basis, for example my cousins 😂😂

6. Yeah it happened to me once. I was texting with one of my friend Lamjingba and I received a text from my best friend (I was angry at him that time). So I texted back "go to hell, Dylan"Turns out I sent it to Lamjingba by mistake.

7. No, I have never screamed for help.

8. I once pulled a teacher's chair because someone dared me to, while playing truth or dare inside the class. I had to stand the whole class outside because my teacher didn't think it was funny😂😂

9. I honestly don't know what they would think if I got arrested.

10. When I can't fall asleep, which is 95% of the time, I do whatever comes in my mind.

There it is, I completed my boring challenge. I would be so happy if you guys too participate in my very first challenge.

© Rejila