

Bloody roses part 2
If you are new ...read part 1 for better understanding!

karan to a villager ... where do we get a hotel here ..can you guide me please(karan)....we dont have any hotels
but you can stay in a huts ..its already late we need to move now said villager , why what happens if we stay (sheetal) .... Did you ever heard about the mysterious bloody roses ... No we havent (neha) ...There is a shadow which kills people and place a rose on them said villager so dont stay up too night ...It is dangerous for you ...Yes we dont stay said neha...shadow killing people such a joke... this old man is trying to freak us ( karan) ... karan, we are new here we can't judge him like that (neha)
....after some time .....
That old man said there is no hotel but see such a beautiful hotel (sheetal) guys lets stay here I can't stay in huts ...okay lets stay in hotel (karan) ...karan take two rooms ...we will share the room (girls) okay girls as you wish (karan)
.....In to the hotel rooms .....
neha have you seen the garden (sheetal )
what garden I havent seen anything ,I was busy taking our luggage...Neha that beautiful rose garden ..I will take many photos there ...what ! which garden ( neha) ....Dude rose garden ( sheetal )...
we are into mess now...we are dead (neha) karan pickup the phone (sheetal)
you girls dont want me to sleep (karan ) karan ,have you seen the receptionist..
No neha as turned that side ...I heard only his voice ...I only saw his shadow (karan)okay go place a bolt to the room we will figureout a way to go out (neha)

Stay tuned to part 3....!!!
Thanks for reading

© sush_writings