

In the beginning of every endeavour we are either challenged, excited, mesmerised and perhaps left with awe. There are others too that come with lots of fear, that sometimes leave us undecided and perhaps makes us wonder whether to take another step in that particular course or not. That is the beginning for us, a state when that which we have started is both exciting and astonishing. Thus the many questions we ask at the beginning. We ask partly because we do not know much about that which we are into and partly because we can't really tell the final outcome.

The beginning is also usually filled with lots of enthusiasm and the youthfulness with which we approach the situation also describes our desire to see it through. It is a short but exciting period because on most cases the duration is much shorter. Actually in situations where results are needed in earnest, the beginning of the project is mostly overlooked since its span hardly lasts.

The world hardly judge us bu the beginning of a work or any form of project. The prudent will always wait for the final outcome to determine its fruitfulness or not. We look at the beginning of the project in earnest but gently and patiently wait for the final outcome. Projects have began and left as its and others never even saw the beginning. Yet for every idea, its beginning will tell whether there will be a completion or not.
