


To trust or not to trust...we all ask ourselves question ever so often.

I think to trust may be one of the hardest things for any human being to do.Especially when they trusted before and that trust has been broken.

Because trust implies to let go of everything you can control and surrender to anything that you can't.

And since we're control maniacs, this is not something that comes naturally to most.

I know you may have:

- Taken good care of yourself and still gotten sick.

- Wholeheartedly loved and still been hurt.

- Have invested into a venture and still did not come out on top.

And I totally get it because when any of those instances occur it is hard to regain that believe.

As a matter of fact, this can have such an impact that it can lead for some to opt to never, ever, ever want to put themselves in a position where they may not be in complete control, lose something or someone again.

And this too is completely understandable. Although at the time it is happening to us we find it hard to understand and reason with what's going on.

And the reason is because it prevents you from really living full out. Meaning, it does not allow you to be, feel and experience everything that you are truly capable of and deserve.

So, what to do? Quite often we may ask ourselves.

We must believe that so we can keep going with the energy that we carry, passion that characterizes human nature and so we may live in peace.

As such let's be brave with faith must keep moving and trying every day.

Live your life the fullest and the best way you can.Be brave have faith abd never give up.Stay positive and keep away all negativity.

Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj
Motivational Author/Poet/Novelist
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