

****Act-one scene one****

It is February 1973. Mia and oliver enters from alley, coming with the depression of fresh talks and gossiped. Mia is seventeen years old, corresponding and accepting only on her appearance with darkened color and round head; profusely putting on her jean cropped shirt like an Hispanic-american she is. Firm awareness pleasing appearance and everlasting hopelessness, bittersweetness of life in accounted deed "the black life matters". Speaking over value of those most fortriori thats make up that hokum material in her life. Haulted, her black face, big nose, cope along with apprentice and attributes as that black american beauty here in the scene-Then together with her lines, marks, and pimpox from her eyes to the cheeks made her quarrelsome.
Concentrating on them both: allured, Mollie, is known toward there friendship motto. Even do she got into fight over nothing. Her appearance was different and neither systematic , she established to let go the pride and adject that Mia had. Ignorance to speech and causing trouble that she strive never to benefits from. Street life are haunted, and life campanionship is sonked in the wall of Jericho, which Mollie refused to quit. The two teenagers looked blasphemy when sitting down with Wuthering day on their mind that afternoon because: It is a day after valentine based on logistics and busying playing the ludo pandemic game.

Mollie: mia! you strike twice and that is part of cheating you know?

Mia: I ain't cheating, the dices fell off my hand and it down on the floor.

Mollie: you ought to stop cheating?

Mia:I ain't cheating! But you did follow what those ghetto girls Say's in those Gotham.... Mollie!!! did you?

Mollie: what did they say? (Dropping down the dices)

Mia: chicks never gonna get that sense if she keep being such a thirst bucket!

Mollie: (she indicate with her hand) A big one has difficult (kinda pause) they coming to me gonna "talk about" how the metropolitan Assembly got burnt on the riots. Me asking what are they?

Mia: damn! It's true or an hokum..... They coming Wylin’/Wildin’?

Mollie: sure well, we are side happy about health, is first reciprocated and always a universal hope. (Then her voice became pristines) I saw MR. Whitehead's standing over the porch that morning...... Looking pregnant over his face.

Mia: (her voice pends) Mr. Whitehead is crusty when I saw him at first.... I thinks so goggling my eyes apparently.

Mollie: what did you see mia?

Mia: I sure he has a belly full of sandwice and ice-cream that he stoled from old MRS. Rose Maxson kitchen...... It is kinda funny for a man to be an arrestee with such a crime. Not at firsthand when he shot a innocent negro.

Mollie: no one get him arrested for his valuation over the American law...... (Proxy advising calling the cops)

Mia: all the white folks don't care but the good samarathan among the Blackburn did? The riot cut off Johnny Lee Gates, a black man convicted in 1972 by an all white jury of murdering a white woman in Muscogee County. That was the scene. 

Mollie: what did the 911 suggested?

Mia: you be questioning! no one got him arrested..... Instead he was advised to feed from the horse mouth at all intense! If he could?
And no one gonna do about it. The inspector incharge mr. Timothy dowd roars when he heard the case and thought of it being an offense committed by the Blackburn. But had let go of it when he figured it's a white folks massacre.

Mollie: it Doesn't even a massacre, inspector timothy dowd forgotten that his job is to seized or arrest those who valuated the law, the law now and the law to incoming "The Social Security Act (1835),Freedom of Information Act, The Pendleton Act (1883),
The G-I, The Patriot Act (2001) ,The Civil Rights Act of 1964, No Child Left Behind (2001),The Privacy Act and mostly right to live" even if you can or most do but under the green grass. (She stated the american law till date).

Mia: spare those words of yours mollie, the law has been broken by those who made it; And who gonna fixed it if not them. (Then coming again)You ain't no outcast or should I forecast you as one of a kind indeed. "racism speaks at these point".

Mollie: racism you said? Lamed! it has been a routine. In the walls of Jericho we got more swarthiest than the coloured men.

Mia: come on! That's the way the black and white has lived in the since the 16 or probably 17 century's. My uncle told me about the grief land?

Mollie: ( puzzled) what you mean the grief land? Mia no one told me about that mia!

Mia: it's a story huh? But that was not the plan of our ancestors.... That'd allow me jumped into conclusion. ( pause after a while) don't be the Judas I never wanted you to be....... " Everyone knows these it's just like the promise land" are you going to apply for that job at the trust and consequence city?

Mollie : eh!are you going to apply for that job at the trust and consequence city?

Mia: what do you mean by trust and consequence city, am not aware of such place.

Mollie: don't be so idiocy! Everyone in Jericho knows trust and consequence city. Moreover, I mean the street bill board that says to all about the new white collar job available for black-burn at Sodom and Gomorrah,That'd been the talk of town.

Mia: aw yeah! That'd been the talk of town, I gotta think about it, everyone need money for upkeep, I wanna get rich as soon
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.... That been perplexing to me!

Mollie: the white collar job is no going to work as for as Mr. Bob is concerned, he became so nice just after the proposals of that job, remembered how he almost raped you and he still worked with such a man.

Mia: I know he tried of raping me, and that's no good clause for him to cause any harm to me, it just am job, it is!

Mollie: come on, don't be so nice to him, he don't deserved it from you, not at all, don't fall in to the trapped set for capture from the devil.

Mia: it is okay! Case closed, I don't wanna argue with you, it is every Blackburn dream to work there, I guess you just being jealous..... No good closed friend would make bad wishing well.

Mollie: since you say so, and you trying to become so nice to the devil, fine! Don't say I do worn you, I remembered how did it now? (Making her advise clear, after a long while of mick-micked and murmured)
Naw, "I gonna tell you something Mrs.Gretchen say at A&B about you"

mia: what did mrs. Gretchen say?

Mollie:(she was a little bit not happy for mia then a heavy breath)well, she saw me pass throughout, then said to me.... " go on to mia your friend, tell her I promise her the big trouble of her life and that you are problematic .... She should got away from my sight I told her to get out my way, that mia is not problematic that she thinks, she should do that research with her brain.

Mia: Mrs. Gretchen's Say's such about me? Ah? (Facing mollie) am I that problematic?

Mollie: you ain't like what she said! Am like you mia..... A young fellows who bears the smelling ass that natures has. I have no time wasted sitting down gossiping or saying rubbish like others colourfolks do..... I derived that along with you mia!

Mia: what did she say about me being problematic?

Mollie: (swaging it alphabetical) now what it look like getting mad and bark like a moron, cause Mrs. Gretchen's kinda says you behave like such kind of people.

Mia: Aw, homie look here..... Figure how she is gonna make me pay for challenging her at A&B; I told Todd that all the time..... That Gretchen wife?

Mollie: todd don't understand nothing. All I heard him say right away, swat Todd told me " mollie! Just tell the truth or I got both of you arrested ". I said to him hush that talk! Gretchen's gonna do nothing to us"

Mia: hell yeah! The todd I know always fight for his woman. (to oliver) I will. Just as soon as you turn it loose. What you get in your Sack's?

Mollie : (feigning malovent) naw, I ain't got a lot today from the slotters floors, mia. I was just grab hustle of life. That wanna put me in a big mood these morning then have enough Japanese rice-ball presented.

Mia: that's right and good hustle you got there. Bad Mollie, very bad, I know you got your tum-tum filled up.... It seems you gonna been adopted by the toilet fairies.

Mollie: hush that talk girl, there is no suchlike thing like fairies; it is only acted for the sake of entertainment. D' ya wanna believe that?

Mia: come on! Mucha people believed that talk, I dunno anyway?"

Mollie : I usta believed that talk about fairies..... That sorta lame!!! (Speechlessness) hey mia.... I got some rice and salad in the cupboard over the rights I balcony.

Mia: D' gotcha some for Alice because she musta been in hunger by now.... Oh God were is that Alice gal?" Since you wanna keep your vigilance so be it , I wouldn't mind waiting for her.... She might be so close by.
( a lure waiting of coincidence)

( Alice enters from the corridors; an unknowingly outfit that no one is been interested on, pulling on scene an severe act motive that she is six month older than mia and a year older than oliver. Her age bring not only gratitude but coming along with favouritism and nepotism to her performance she gonna show. Not fat, no slim, and a bit chubby, among them being the most talk-active following by Mollie apparently, She heavily breath at firsthand)

Alice: what have you gals been doing here since mornings? (She enters like a flash)

Mollie: were have Alice been, oh! Speak of the devil presently (flabbergasted)

Alice: hey girls, how you, got some time to see, before that francile girl shows up?

Mia:(flabbergasted) hey alice...... How you been?

Mollie: what's cooking? you most have been doing alright. I ain't seen you around here yesterday?

Mia: that's right Ah! Every time Alice come in, tell that story how she find a different ways to tell it and different story to make up about it.

Alice: I ain't making up nothing, I'm gonna tell the fact of what happened. I went to the cinema at 6pm these morning, figure out how my eyes glance at O'Neil the white guy who works at the mall. I stared at him without it been reciprocated. He was the perfect person who I wish to look at all time, sure a cutie, but more cute than a cute bannie, well behave and descent growing. Had him a good job and extremely for forgetful. Appealing, attractive, charming and amusing looking guy with a nice hair cute. That coma mind that he might be slightly shy, suspicious and scared of his shadow. Sensitive and seriously about anything he says or heard from...... (She pause after a heavy breath)
Alright, i guess that folks needs a rewards of the best cutie ever.

Mia: Alice been here talking that stuff and half the time here and now. Don't even know what she be talking about, stop that shenanigan's?

Mollie: Alice girl! What coming over you? What you been love about for?
Alice: Aw hell...... Nothing wrong with me loving him. Had good sense! I'II sturd that for me, I shouldn't have told you that part. I should skip instead.
Mollie: ain't said nothing wrongdoing about that. You know it is very impossible to get anything common with the white-head. If am your mama, sure told you to let go down that emotions; if I were in your shoes right now..... (Picking up the ludo board for Alice to replacing that seat). Sit down Alice! Whatcha doing? They is alot time to tell us about your emotional cutie O'Neil".

Alice: Oh come on..... Girlfriend, had all these bracelet and you guys not asked me about it (raising up her hand) you see this mia?"

Mia: yeah, oliver told me the same! Dotcha girls have something to do except talking about your emotions. Betcha love gonna do no good than distraction. (Oliver is heard going castigated).

Mollie: remember "All for one and one for all" you remind me not for the devil.

Mia: knock that off, no one is like me, Am made special and even if I hafta but not being enthusiastic.(entitled to her opinion)oh yeah... I know it, the devil's strong , the devil gotta muscle and no time to insinuates in a girls talk, he based over what the idol mind. " the devil you know is far better than the Angel you Donna".

Alice: heard alotta that mia, you better gonna quit these evil trump if you really wish the devil about. Is like the devil do is part, we are blindfolded! Not home alone, street alone in wilderness, figure out what me had been doing alone in that woman house at the kiosk's. Her house is a little beat too older than she is. Precisely her being seventy-five and her house eighty and all above her cooperative over her headscarf and folded face, she got open-teeth like some amateur masquarade. On the bus station seating covered with snow blizzard, Shrieve apparently and continously. She called for help but her voice was not cleared to been heard. (Look for awhile)
She kinda say to me.... " my child! You not gonna stand there watch me buried in snow" I ingested a good intention like I do and helped took her to her house across the road. Afterwards she became strong and healthy than a sixteen years old man. Just like the heaven open and pour down miracle. Come here! talking to me about the virgin Mary and her son who I know nothing about.
Naw, I understand were she driving it to. First by guessing my name correctly and age with out any introduction;
" Alice mc- curdy born in 07- March- 1856 here in Queensland NY " I know I wore a shirt that say am from new York city, but my name not written on it. Then she asked a cuppa tea on my way coming back left me wandering height what's kinda happening. That old woman disappearance told me I saw the blessed mother of Jesus.

Mia: you ought to stop that lying?

Alice: I aint lying! Which mighta not do, telling lying but now is the big Truth (she indicate the size of the lie as big as big).

Mollie: are you okay Alice? You fooled Alice mc- curdy? No one would believe your tales and moon light please spare that! That not the real Alice I know, she don't make lie to filled the air with noise, Neva come here one day tell lie and other randomly.

Mia: stop that shenanigans, you going to alley is na a good idea for ya. Just like uncle Michael who taught he was the real angel that wrestle with the devil, it's funny ah? Obviously that was nor fun time Alice! It wasn't?.

Alice: it kinda good you don't believed me, easy on your speech write you threw at me..... I Donna like that ( retorted) case closed!''

Mollie: come on, Alice "noble, exalted" that was it mean's. case is gotta close like that, have not heard the ending part.

Mia: I kinda hungry right now over that rice ball, can we start and finish with that?
(Fifteen minutes spends on eating and chewing).

Alice: (fake groaned) huh! That's a nice meal you got there, and were it from?

Mollie: don't be silly, the white food vendor usually give me left over and ten cent every time I helped do duties. I pray tomorrow might've been cornflake and cheese or already eat sandwiches.

Mia: that's horrible, you mean I ate already spoilt rice ball just because there is no job for us to do and get paid. All the black parent feeds from left over except those Lucky one who are allowed to be garbage collectors, tank driver and brick worker's. I can't remembered the very time I ate a full sandwiched but not up to twice since I was born. Negro come to me complaining how a white folk buy his wife for just as cheap as 50cents.

Alice: whatever, men shall not lived by the taste of bread or potato's already chewed cheeses. The disguise lady once say that.

Mia: better I would be back for short time, my toilet fairies calls.

ALICE and MOLLIE: sure we do! What ever it get us in; better be ready for the contest of the Armageddon's battle here over in Jericho. ( mia went out hurriedly)

Mollie: you coulda been here since 9pm these morning, old man jerkys thinks he is the champions fight with the Blackburn, not thinking black people a good on heavily duty.

Alice: do old man jerkys get beated black and blue again, he thinks if fight a black man and lay a accuses finger on him the black folks would be killed as requested.

Mollie: he woulda been killed and busted if nor for the help the black parent who lived next doors near the log's.

Alice: betcha not know how is face look right now?

Mollie: it's funny ah? Off course he looks completely like a spanked bull wolf.

Mia: ( come out from alley) I heard that talk about old man jerkys what you Guy's think happens I wanna know for thee source.

Alice: old man jerkys can't do nothing after he was beaten and reported it to the commissioner instead he was tell to sort it out with money which he does not have.

Mia: you mustna tell me these is a lie; that funny and dummy too! Wow, it is very hard to enjoy, but being Easy when carving for food.

Mollie: consider your self lucky I got some free fries along that boulevard, so hot and toasty.

Mia: woe! You don't wanna waste your time here: sure let bring them here.

Mollie: let me have five dollars and ten cents?

Alice: (to mollie) what you want dollars for? I'll be damned idiotic to buy something worth of that, a apartment cost ten dollars by sleeping on someone porch. Even the devil can struggle to have five dollars, cos thousands of sin on a big sacked cost 100 cents.

Mollie: had good sense, I'll say that for you gals. A another negro got in there the casino and get his first hit with one dollars on okay number 1,2,3,8,9,0 and won the jackpot of ten thousand dollars and seventy cent; like dude would be richer than the mayor.

Mia: wontcha stop nagging? At what happen at Jimmie place; You ought to stop worrying about that nigga pilgrims progress, he was Lucky (thought fast and wide). I have seen slots of em loose a way lots of money like 20 in two tournament.
Naw, I see where it come from the casino" that place were nigga throw away five box in a week. I gonna say that to you mia and again, had good sense.

Alice: Stop that, obviously ridiculous for a lady to go in the casino, issa ladies free zone. Am not wonna waste my money over some stack odd and even. You girls ain't no up to eighteen huh?

Mia: who told you it's over eighteen to play in the casino, hello! Am seventeen (exclaimed)

Mollie: it written on the bill board.... Just like what ps.Wilson come saying to me. " I had alotta tell you what your mistake was, kicking and chilling around homelessly would do you no good. I see lots of girls who same age with you or older, go to church and seat on the front rolls. The only time you gotta church is on the Christ eve or prize giving day. I gonna tell you more and more time to change and become that church goers as a ordainees. A church goers is a heaven goer, Don't allowed the devil to be in your life. Ana idol man is a devil workshop.
Alice: ha, Mr. Wilson told you that, I never believed on those coloured prophets.
Mia: "same me"....... I never doubt them until one made up a false revelation saying; the lord movement is around these area, when you get home. Use all your money and hit the lucky number 469" I went on playing it with my last dollars and cents I had for the weeks. Am not the only on