

Just another man
Another true story,
one day I woke and looked out the window, I seen a 68 Volkswagen gray in color pull up in front of the house. A man got out and was peering outward when I approached him and asked him, are you God?? he said yes and got in the car and drove away. Shortly afterward the same car pulled up, same looking man pulled up and did the same as the last. But there was a different vibe in the air, and I knew right away what it was. I came out to confirm as he too was peering outwardly, I asked only to confirm what I knew. Are you the devil?? I asked. yes, he said. he grinned as he answered and he too drove away. Strange I thought, I wasn't afraid of him, he simply was roaming the earth as he does in scripture, I suppose he always visits what God places in his garden to see what might be worthy as a child of God. I wonder, what makes me so special for Him to have a closer look. I guess some jewels need to be examined before they are cut and polished.

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