

Echoes of the Night
The bright moon was high in the sky and casted its gorgeous light on the sea creating a magnificent dance of lights and stars reflected in the water.
"What are you thinking?"
"The sea is unearthly, don't you think?" I said.
He turned to me and looked at me "It's extraordinary. Just like you." He smiled a little shyly.

The sound of the wind blowing around us seemed to urge us to something. Something interesting, remarkable and forbidden. Its dance and whisper. The moon staring at us, admiring us. It was our only witness. And the sea? The sea was singing its innermost song. A song just for us.

This was my home. My heart and soul. And I knew I could always be welcome here. Always. Always with him. Surrounded by the wind, the sea and the moon. Our place.

Two arms wrap around me and I feel the gravity slipping away from me. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.
"Come on, you need a night dive in the sea." He said and steered us straight towards the vast sea. Аnd my laughter never stopped.
© dahlia