

To be completely honest, I find it very difficult to express my feelings. I have social anxiety and find it hard to talk to people directly and I freak out in large crowds. So, I just wanted to say a few things.

I've only had this app for about a day and I absolutely love it. It's easy to use and there's so many kind people on here. Sorry if I don't reply to any comments though, I'm just too nervous to talk to anyone. I do appreciate them though, so thank you.

When I was younger I used to have a lot of friends. Everyone seemed to really enjoy being around me and it was great. Looking back now, I think most of my popularity was because of my mom though. She likes helping kids in need and it made her very popular around my old school.

She was a teacher assistant and helped a lot around the school, so pretty much all my classmates knew her. It didn't help that I've never really had a good relationship with her... but I'm not going to get into that right now.

The thing is, growing up has been really hard for me. Especially after I lost my dad. I started distancing myself from people because I had friends (people I considered family) leave me and it broke my heart. I just don't want to get hurt again. So I pushed everyone away, even my family.

Now, I have two friends. That's it. One of them is my best friend who I've been friends with since Elementary School, and the other friend... well she isn't the best. But she's the only other person I have to hang out with.

Then there's also my online gamer friends. But they don't really talk to me that much anymore. Pretty sure they're just going to leave me behind. But that's fine. I've gotten used to it by now. There's no need to worry because I'm coping just fine on my own.

I have my dog, Baby, and my cat, Zelda. I used to have a ferret but she passed away a few days ago... Plus, I have my poetry, which I enjoy writing, and all my video games. It keeps me busy so I don't think about the neverending, depressing thoughts that swirl around in my head.

It kind of sucks though, this quarantine, because ever since it started I've been unable to see my therapist. But it's fine. I mean, I can handle this on my own, right?

Okay... now I just sound like a crazy person... geez...

I tend to talk to myself a lot because when I try and talk to my family or friends they just... don't seem to want to listen. But I totally understand. They have their own problems to deal with, they don't need mine as well. So it's fine.

Everything's fine.

Thanks for reading this weird story-thing. Sorry if it was really depressing. I'm trying to look on the positive side. I'll get there eventually.

(also, i don't know what category to put this under so i'll just select Letter for now)