

Do I regret falling in love?
I am a very complicated type of person. My heart is always passionate to catch a glimpse of her notwithstanding the fact whenever I see her face it brings nothing but bittersweet memories.

Even after she did so many wrongdoings to me I still wait for her,smiling hoping what had happened earlier was just a bad dream. Even today I cherish the sweet moments of us together when I go to sleep. Even today I daydream about us being together. Self respect? What is that? Mine always goes on a vacation whenever I see her.

I may end up just as “another” person in your life but your impact in my life? So much that when you left me, I feared that whether I had enough memories of you to last me a lifetime. So much that when you left me, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. After all this I still wait for you hoping we two can be together again.

It's OK that your first love will be another person's love. It's OK thar your first relationship resulted in a heart break. Let's normalize of not having your first relationship a success. Everyday I'm having an inner turmoil in pursuit of collecting all those shattered heart pieces. After all this dilemma I realized that it wasn't your fault that you didn't love me rather:

It was my fault that I made you my world.

It was my fault that I made you my source of happiness.

It was my fault that when you blocked me, I became suicidal.

It was my fault that I prayed to God for us being together.

It was my fault that I loved you way too much.

But after all this I don't regret falling in love. Love is the strongest feeling and the best thing a person can have. It's OK to not to feel your efforts being appreciated when in love. It's OK to let go a person you loved so fuckin much. It's OK to take months to move on. But never doubt love. There's truly someone in this world waiting to come, maybe it'll take some time but trust love. It will never disappoint you.

Dont forget to give a flower to your loved ones today. Small things matter.

© Maniiish_29