

Where Science Failed..
Dr Reign pulled the slide out of the microscope. There had to be a mistake. But he had been staring at it for more than 40 minutes now.

Human blood didn't look like that. It didn't cure itself of a disease like leukaemia, blood cancer.

Reign thought he had seen a lot of miracles in his life, mysteries that science failed to explain.

But this was by far the most intriguing of them all.

Jena, his lab assistant, broke his chain of thoughts.

"Doctor, is there something wrong with Mr Keen's blood? Your face looks flushed"

Reign struggled to form words to.explain what he saw.

"Yeah...well...Jena, I might just have encountered the biggest mystery of my life. This sample...this blood....is healing itself"

Jen's eyebrows creased to show she didn't understand his statement. Reign wasn't someone who struggled to reason. He always made sense. Except today.

"What do you mean 'healing itself'? It is a sample of Mr Keen's blood who is suffering from stage IV blood cancer. We just need to determine the details to decide the course of treatment for him."

"Yes, you see...his cells.....his cells are already healing themselves. His treatment has begun, the natural way. I don't know how... I am not even sure if I understand....but, it is happening. Come take a look"

Reign put the slide back. Reluctant, and unsure, Jena went to the microscope placed on the steel table and peeped at the slide.

What she saw made her repulse back for a moment.

She shook her head and looked again, this time staring, without blinking her eyelids.

The blood cells were in some sort of a war with themselves. It seemed they were attacking themselves, shaking profusely until the abnormality wiped clean from their membranes and nuclei.

Dr Reign understood. He sat down on the stool next to him. He knew Jena would take time to digest what she saw.

Jena turned her gaze away from the microscope, finally after 32 minutes. Less than her boss.

"What is it exactly, Doctor? What are the cells doing? How are they shaking so profusely, as if deleting the abnormality?"

"I...don't know."

Reign's thoughts drifted to Richard Keen. The 36 year old guy. He was admitted in their hospital. His 34 year old wife and 5 year old daughter were lovely, kind and ready for the battle that lay ahead.

He wasn't sure what he would say to them. The news for exceptionally good, if it was true. If it was really happening.

He recalled the day Dr Bhushan had told the Keens what was wrong with Richard.

He looked up at Jena.

"Do you remember what did Mr Keen's 5 year old daughter say when Dr Bhushan broke the news to them?"

Jena was too wonderstruck to ask what, so Dr Reign continued. This time, more confidently.

"She asked her father why couldn't his body heal itself when it could heal every other wound on the body. Looks like her query just got answered."

Jena remained speechless.

A realisation struck Dr Reign.

"Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to. Let's conduct some more tests. I have a feeling Mr Keen will be cancer free without any treatment very soon."

© Ishita Nigam Garg