

1916 1/5

The blood soaked stains of the fallen bodies lay on the
the earth where their bodies extends across a ten mile
wide open field of no man's land. As they have fallen
and where the bodies men horses decomposing, turning
rotting away from their flesh and turning into bones as
the bodies reek the field and the sound of the fighting has
come to a sudden draw of a stand still. Few men started
to talk about the german's they have turned their tails
and ran but some other men have said they are waiting
for a sneak attack or give us a surprise attack when our
defenses are down. And few of the men didn't know what
to believe but after they were probably right to think that
way; and so did he though he was just leaning up against
a crate full of supplies that were already being used he had
his leg up and his other across it he had his knapsack next
to him with his tin hat on his head, his skin was white fair
that just carves out a perfect outline of a masculian figure of
his bone structure and he had on his uniform jacket that was
a dark brown with two shoulder straps that attached themselves
to a belt that went around his waist with several small
pouches he was considered to be the clever one in the ranks
of the troops. The men call him the little birdie. Because
he tells secrets around the trench just to keep the men
eyes and ears focus. As few good men though have found
a way to past the time few of them where standing around
a barrow fire to keep warm, and they had on their uniform
coats and so he see's a man coming towards him it was a
superior officer with a higher rank that he has. And he
was the Major of the second wave of the C company
he had some important news to tell him, and so he gets
up slowly as he stands up and salutes the Lance corporal
and the corporal salutes him back.

"Come the general wants a word" "yes sir"

As the major turns around and starts to walking with him
following in from behind they shove their way through the
line of men in the trench. As they past by few men with white
bandages around their eyes, faces, legs, arms, and many injuries
and few good men last year got trench foot or some have
gotten gauge green. And so the major and he keep walking
towards a small hidden underground bunker where the officers
keep their secrets to themselves in that moment he felt like an
important person a spy. On the third attack the Germans destoryed
their communication link between the two trenches to catch
them off guard to spy on one another so they can beat the
enemy at their own game. After that the wire tapping links
where shell shocked exploded into pieces and so they had
to decide and it appears that they came up with their desicion
and so the major stops and turns and salutes him and he
salutes the major back as they reach the underground
bunker. And he watches as the major walks right by him.
And so he walks inside the bunker, and he is stopped as the
Lieutendant General second class stops him and checks his
uniform and makes sure that he wasn't the enemy. The Lt.
Salutes him and he was granted access to speak with the

"Sir Sergeant Major Ryans is here sir?"

The general looks up from whatever he was looking at he had
that real settled in face with a gray mustache, and few spots of his
age really started to show on his pale skin that is just seeping into
the features of his face and he was shocked. And he salutes the
Corporal and he salutes him back.

"I hear you are the best of the best is that true?"
"Yes sir I am - may I ask sir what this is about?"
"Tell me are you okay with close encounter combat with hands
and that sort of thing" "Yes sir?" "Good - how about your german?"
"Very good sir but little bet rusty?" "Rusty it says that in translation class
you spoke german very flouently and
very effiecently?"
"Yes sir but that was long time ago sir?"
"Doesn't matter if you can speak the language good
because I'm looking for someone with your capiabilities
to be little escape goat if you might add to help us and
the eighth win the war by doing little espionage work
to steal and intercept plans from the enemy and take help
us to take a advantage of their weaknesses and give the
information back to the second comapany of the 1st
devins that are on the eastern front lines. Before the enemy
are aware that were stollen is that clear?"
"Yes sir?"
"So the mission does include some high risk are you okay
with that?" "Yes sir I am?" "Good that's what I wanted to here?"
"Okay now the Lieutendant will give you extra supplies of
gernades any other equipment that you need just remember
to be stelthy and quiet as possible remember to be a good
spy a top branch associate working for the general of the
seventh company of the second armery division of the holy
peace regiment and remember your place" "Yes sir" "Good
now go and see major Downing he'll give you the clearing
to cross the field of battle into no man's land"

Then he salutes the general and the general salutes him back
he turns around faces the Lt. who gives him extra bullets to his
gun, and few extra supplies of gernades. Then he walks out of
the underground bunker, and then he walks down towards
the right going to see the major on the western side of the
trench, and so he pushes pass few men at a time who all look
at him give him a stare like no other. And he kept walking he
ran in the back of a guy who had a bandage around his entire
face and one of his eyes was missing and then he walks right
by him and continues onwards towards the western front of the
trench of the third divison of the third wave regiment. They
are the ones who are the anchors that charge the field of battle
when the other lines have been easily out maneaouvered by
the enemy and so he can see the agonishing pain and lost on
each of the men's faces as they go right by him as will he
doesn't stop.

"Watch where you going?"

As he hits a guys shoulder and he continues on down the trech
heading further west that he expected then he reaches the spot
where the major and few of his officers have taken up residents
of their resting area he stops and then he stands there before the
rest of the men two men where playing cards and smoking jimmys
and so they look over at him.

"I'm looking for Major Downing?"

A the two men shuffle their heads over to a man who was reading
a letter from his girl back home in England he was laying his back
reading the letter. And then he stands in attention and salutes. The

"Sergeant Major Adam Ryans reporting sir?"

The major raises up and puts his letter aside and then he
looks at Sergeant Ryans like he was some pretty boy trying
to get the attention on him.

"Who the fuck?" "Sorry sir but the general gave me
orders to get across the no man's
land to retrieve any information
that I can about the enemies
plans of actions, and hand deliver
it to the second devins on the eastern
front sir."
"So your the escape goat for the general
I see he gives you a mission and you just
has to accept it don't you there?"
"Sorry sir but orders are orders sir?"
"Who gives a shit about orders?"
"Sir the general gave me strict orders
to get across and to retrieve or intercept
much inormation that could help us win
this war and so we can go home?"
"Home let me tell you son home is just an manfistation
of the generals illusion to keep the men happy? In other
words we are never going home" "Yes sir"

Then he gives the Major his papers that approves his mission
that he needs a clearing across no man's land and do what is
nessicary to help win the war. And he reads it and looks up at
the Srgt. Major he looks at the face of a young man as he was
to go on a solo mission alone to tamper with the enemies lines
at a high risk mission that only he can do it seems like, and the
Major gives his papers back to him.

"Fine fuck it?"

Then the Major gets up and takes the leads he follows from behind
he walks behind the Major and then he steals a jimmy from a
soldier who was passing out some smokes he lits the jimmy
while walking he saw his third line were being selfish bastards
who have no love left in it seems like but the major they were
still cacateals trapped inside a birdcage trying to pry themselves
out they were nothing but pretty boys. They both stop and as they
reach the pair of telescope that spies across no man's land to watch
the enemies movements so they take a look through the eye holes
and find nothing they fine it very still and very odd that nothing
was going on.

"You see what you half to get through?"
"Yes sir?"
"The enemies trench about nine miles across the open field of
no man's land and you need to be self aware and be use caution
and try not to step anywhere you are not suppose to step make
sure you are following through your mission and make sure if
you are spotted then try to get out of it because you'll won't be
around anyone but yourself to help you or save you. And so
techinically it's a survivor mission as will than a mission of a
stelth and quickness is that clear?"
"Yes sir?"

As they nodded at one another they continue onward down the trech
they reach a spot where he can climb over the top and get safely
on no man's land, and so he stops as the Major gives him few more
ammonition and he latches his bayonet on the end of his rifle and
then turns and stands before a the ladder then he puts a hand on
a piece of a board then the major pats him on his back and then
he climbs over the top and then he was in the clearing and then
he walks slowly with a quickness to his step. As he spots more
horses than men laying their in the muck, and dead where their flesh
started to peel back from their bones in their bodies the poor
animals suffered more than the men did. And he comes to the
barbwire defences that go around his trench and he weaves
his way through the barbwire and he kept going. Then he
steps carefully he had his gun pointed down to the side and
he sits a deep drop in the ground where a man made hole was
made by the big blast of the artillery canon fire with shells so big
they can cause damage to any line of men. And so he slides down
into the big ditch like hole and walks through the murky water
and then he climbs up on the side of the mud wall, and kept
climbing he was in the clear. And reaches the top and keeps

To be continued in 2/5

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