

The Quilt
A masterpiece of hexagons joined together in the finest of fabrics ...
Pieces she'd arranged in perfected order in a carefully planned design.
Behold her most magnificent creation!

The grandmother smiled as she gazed lovingly at her work in hued cloth ...
Millions of threads co-mingled in their splendor of vibrant printed colour!
A Flower of Life she'd herself made!

She spread it over carved Queen bed
So the Sun could shine bright on it!
She admired the energetic assemblage
That her hands had put together -
It had turned out so exquisitely well!

On the bed it stayed for the next generations to use.
In time the light shone on it too strongly and it started to fade.
Threads lost their once upon a time strength and little holes started to form in the shapes - stitches came loose and it started to fall apart...

The young one yanked at the quilt that must be thrown out off the old bed!
She'd no time for Granny's dull junk!
She bought her stuff ready made at the nearest chain store for cheap-cheap...
This was the only way she knew how.

She remembered Gran wanted to show her how to knit, how to crotchet and how to sew ...
To teach her how to create with her eyes and hands.
But she just wasn't into learning a craft
Her mobile phone was much more interesting! Gran had lost the plot!

Then 2020 came. Things were not the same ever again.
Humans lost all their spark!
Unique creativity was a 'thing of the past'...
Gone the art of making your own magic! The delight of pure creation just plain vanished.

Vaccinations made us into serving machines doing only functional jobs for corporations to make more money.
Humanity became dumbed down beings, all knowing nothing of the happiness and joy of Being free
To do simple things - like working with colourful threads....

Threads of wool & cotton like fine brushstrokes were used by women who weren't all artists to create beautiful things others admired.
They felt good inside, people of substance - because they could also contribute creatively to Life.

Indiana 2020.

© Indiana vdw