

The Rude Master (part 8)
He takes him to his room says have a seat
jk :it's ok sir I have no problem I will stand (on Fearful voice)
jong:OK,I think you already no why I called you here ,Jk said no ,
Jong :Oh !Really let me explain you
I was talking with guy you were hiding yourself and listening to our talk you heard what we said .
jk:No sir ,Stop saying lie once again you said no I will hit you hard I know everything, if you dare to say this to
anyone I will not spare you go to your class .
jk :okay sir I won't say anyone ,He walks away to class jong sir follows him behind
Jing :Did you all complete your work ?
Suga :Yes sir ,jong :Who hv completed you can leave I know you will ask jk now what sir said let me clear you hid dad is good friend of mine I had some work with his dad so I just said him what work to say his dad ok .
jk Just looked up in confusion thinking 🤔 what my dad even don't know him he is liar ,Jong made a eye contact with him
jk just put his head down .
jong :Okay you can leave see you tmr
they all left ,later the guy came whom he was speaking he asked did that guy said anything about us ,No he didn't, guy :What if he says ?
jong :Let me think ok wait you wanted a student right how about this guy jk let's make him target ,guy :Nice idea 😀
jong :Yes our work will be completed
now I have to just plan how to bring him in our control .
To be continued.......